What Shrimp Is This?


Fish Crazy
Sep 15, 2006
Reaction score
Hawkhurst, Kent
I purchased loads of Amano shrimps about 2 years ago, one of them has just kept growing and is now the size of a fresh water shrimp, although this one has large front claws and a second smaller pair.

Does anyone know what it is and is it safe to have in with tetra's etc and amano and freash water shrimps etc?

I was gonna add a picture but I seem to have lost the browse/upload buttons below, so first question is where did they go?
When I try and reply on other threads there is an "Attachment Editor" but this is missing on this thread, any ideas?
I've tried to edit and reply, but still it is not there.

Looks like uploading pictures is currently unavailable on this forum, as I cant upload pictures to other threads either in this forum, anyone else having problems?
Don't think the browse/upload option is available in this section. Do you use photo hosting website like photobucket or imageshack, etc?
For speed I have created a test topic on another forum and uploaded picture there. I'll have to soft something else long term.

Sorry for the poor quality, I've only got a phone camera......

shrimp picture
Can't tell from that pic but it certainly looks fierce :lol: It looks like one of the Macrobrachium long arm species.
It's got like blue/green stripes which are not obvious in the picture.
If other fish go near him he will chase them off.....
Definitely in the Macrobrachium genus. I'm not too fond of them, so I can't help with the species, unfortunately.

How big is he(excluding claws)? Most Macrobrachium shrimp only get to about 8cm, plus or minus a cm or two depending on the species and gender.

Are you already keeping him with fish? If so, and he hasn't gone after them already he might be okay for his whole life.
Could be macrobrachium 'mexican blue'. Can't be entirely sure though. Either way keeping it with fish you might have some problems with it attacking smaller fish.

I have not seen him since my last post, although it is easy to get lost for a few days in my tank!

I reckon he is about 7cm nose to tail, excluding claws.

If a fish goes near him he will chase them off, but I have never seen him be aggressive to fish.

I've googled your thoughts, I agree it is a
Macrobrachium, but I don't think it is one you have listed.
I'll keep looking, if you have any more thoughts let me know
7cms? Bud I think that you possibly have a young or dwarf crayfish there, not a shrimp. :unsure: Or it could possibly be macrobrachium rosenbergii I suppose.

Nope not a macrobrachium rosenbergii, but I have still not seen him to observe any more or get better pictures.
I had a look around on google images for various macrobrachium but can't spot him. Although I do think you right about it being a macrobrachium of some sort.

He is about 18months old, so it jhas taken a while to get this big.
Try searching the German language sites. They tend to have a greater range of species on them than english language sites, they're more into the hobby than English speaking countries are yet. Crusta10 for example has pics of a LOT of macrobrachium species here, you might find your shrimp there.


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