What Shrimp Can Go With These?


New Member
May 21, 2009
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what shrimp if any can go with this

100l tank

5 tiger barbs
a pair of kribs
3 platy
1 red finn shark

do shrimps have nippers or is this just lobster, eg can they hurt fish
I would Say None with Kribs, as they would be too much temptation for them. Unless your talking larger species like Bamboo and Vampire Shrimp
Adult Amano shrimp or some Macrobrachium sp. (often sold as "freshwater shrimp" at LFS and pets@home) would be perfectly fine too as long as they are given plenty of hiding spaces for when they shed their skin (when all shrimp would be vulnerable).

If you go for the fan shrimp species mentioned by Gill, make sure they get enough food - this usually means having to target feed them at least every second day with powdered flake food.

Some shrimp have claws that can hurt fish, others dont. Amano shrimp have arms adapted for picking up things and scraping up alge, fan shrimp have fans that they use to filter food out of the current and Macrobrachium sp. have proper claws, but not all are dangerous to fish.

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