What should i so when my fish get dropsy?


Fish Crazy
Nov 13, 2003
Reaction score
Belleville NJ
I think my fish have dropsy.. Most of there scales are sticking out. Fish of all, what kinds of fish can get it. It is not cisible on my tetras, my angels, or my clown loach. What should i do to treat them?
Not sure what all kinds of fish can/can't get it but never heard of any that can't.

Try feeding a pea, first of all. This helps their digestive tract. Take the shell off first tho.

I would quarantine the fish and medicate for internal bacteria.
Ye that happened to my fighter his gills came out and he became fat and he died but u shoud quartine the fish and try bying meds to cure them!
Most fish in the tank are now showing signs of dropsy. It started with a Zebra Danio (i wasnt sure if he was sick or not so i hesitated and that risked the life of my other fish) The original Zebra is still alive but my Pearl Gourami Died. I just startred treatment with Spectrogram by Aquatronics. The only fish not showing signs of dropsy is my Clown Loach. He is scaleless and so i dont know if he is infected or not. I am however afraid to move him to my 55 Gallon tank because if he does have it i do not want the disease to spread. The fish are getting very Pale. All i could do now is wait and see if the medication works. It does not say to remove the carbon from my filter. Should I?
Not sure what Spectrogram is, is it an anti-internal med?

Dropsy is contagious, don't infect a whole new tank by moving your fish into an already occupied one.

It does not say to remove the carbon from my filter. Should I?

Whenever you use any medication you always take your carbon out. That's what carbon is for...to take out meds. etc. leaving the carbon in means the meds are almost instantly taken out of the water.
Seems to be a good broad-based med. I would like to know how good it was for internal bacteria though. Furunculosis is internal so I guess it should work.
Thanks and please do. I like hearing the end results and it helps me learn.
So far not doing to well. Second day of treatment. Did a water change. 2 Angels and Fancy tail guppy are now eating but the rest of the fish still refuse. The Clown loach must be intolerent of the medication because he turned bright white and started to swim upsidedown. I was about to flush him (because his gills stoped and he was laying on the bottom) i then took him out of the tank and walked to the bathroom. It was a miracle. His gills started to move. I put him in my old betta vase and he regained his color and started to move. I then put him in my 55 gallon tank because he showed no signs of dropsy. Im still not sure if he has it or not. My gouramis look well but it is to early to know. I will keep updating on the health of my fish and if the medication works...

I just added salt to the tank. I Hope it works
Ok heres an update on my fish. Most are looking alot better. Some even eating again. Only one death and that was before i started treatment. That death was my Pearl Gourami. Some fish still not looking so good. My 4 Zebra danios dont look good. The original one that first came down with dropsy looking the worst. His scales are still sticking out and none are eating. One is extremely skinny the 2 others arent as bad. My Male Swordtail still isnt doing to well but he is doing alot better then before i started treatment. He has lost most of the patches of white on him which looked like fungus but i am not sure. He is also eating again, very little but he is eating. Today i put in the second round of pills and tomorow i will do a 25% water change and add some more salt. Then the next day i will put in the last round of pills and after that i will continue water changes and salt addition. Hopefully it will work out with no more deaths..
I have completed the treatment this morning. All fish except one eating again and all fish except 2 back to full health. My Swordtail still has white marks on his fins but he is quickly recovering. The only other fish still not eating is one zebra danio. He was the first to get dropsy. His scales are still sticking out of his body and he will not eat. If I leave him in the tank will dropsy reinfect my other fish? What Should I do with him? Should i buy more medication for just one fish that may not make it anyway? If not how shoud i get rid of him? Should i feed him to my convict? If not what method is fast and easy to get rid of hime. I do not want to give him any more pain that he has to.
I have completed the treatment this morning. All fish except one eating again and all fish except 2 back to full health.

That is GREAT news!!!

Noone believes me when I say that dropsy is curable. Make sure when you see people say that that you let them know it is curable and tell them what you did so they don't just automatically destroy their fish. Maybe there's not a very good chance unless caught early but a slight chance, nonethelsess. I'm glad it worked out for you. :)

What Should I do with him?

Quarantine him. I wouldn't leave him in the tank.

Should i feed him to my convict?

Definately not.

If not what method is fast and easy to get rid of hime. I do not want to give him any more pain that he has to.

If there is no chance for survival, imo, the easiest and least painful way is to cut the head off.
Thanks again smb.. as for catching it early, no you dont have to. My fish had it for about 5 days before i noticed it. I wasnt home to even see it. My mother was taking care of the fish and she said that they have been like that for about five days. I am going to my LFS today to get some more Spectrogram and try to cure the Zebra. Anyone that does not think dropsy is cureable should just go to their lfs and see all of the medications for it. There are alot of them and i know for a fact that Spectrogram works great....
I'll have to remember Spectrogram and recommend it from now on. Let us know how the danio does and thanks for letting us know as it was valuable info.

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