What Should I Put In My Tank?


Fish Addict
Dec 2, 2011
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It's a tiny 1 gallon tank left over from my childhood (sadly the most humane of the tanks I put bettas and goldfish in). It's too small for a heater or filter. So, what, if anything can I put in it? The average water temperature is 68 degrees Fahrenheit. Thanks! I'm thinking shrimp or snails. It's not very deep, more long though
Too small for a filter? Then just plants, provided it has a light :).

A few months down the road, the plants will have grown and become established, you could then try cherry shrimp and snails.

If you could find a small sponge-filter online or DIY yourself you wouldent have to rely on plants to filter the water :good:.
Nope, Neocaridina heteropoda can even survive winters in the UK under ice for short periods of time. Scarily hardy shrimp! :hyper:
Nope! Though I personally find that CRS don't reproduce fast enough when kept with RCS - the RCS breed ridiculously faster and just seem to out-compete them in some tanks (not all). So if you want to breed CRS I would advise keeping them in a separate tank :).
Nope! Though I personally find that CRS don't reproduce fast enough when kept with RCS - the RCS breed ridiculously faster and just seem to out-compete them in some tanks (not all). So if you want to breed CRS I would advise keeping them in a separate tank :).

Alright! Thanks! I just needed to make sure if I place them in the same tank for a few days, I won't be getting crossbreeds haha

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