what should i get?


Fish Addict
Feb 5, 2004
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Hi all,

I have a 10 gallon with 4 red-eyed tetras and a dwarf gourami. I need somthing in there that will clean it up because it is VERY messy on the bottom and it's unpleasant to look at. I want to get a small pleco to keep in there but everything I can find online costs too much. I need somthing that will stay small too. So what should I get that is less than say...5 bucks(USD)?

BTW-I was thinking of cory's but not sure if they will be able to handle the job. Any input on this?

I like them alot. But I was looking for somthing that would stay under 4 inches and cheap too. I don't have a job because I'm only 14 years old and I don't think(**I know) my mom would go for a 20 dollar pleco!! lol
thanks though-What do you think about the cory idea?
corys are great. Get 3+ though because they like to shoal.
None of the fish mentioned above would get rid of poo on the bottom of your tank. A plec would greatly add to it and your tank is not big enough for any plec, other than otos. If it's food on the bottom, you are feeding too much.

I'd get a gravel cleaner or some shrimp.
I have a Mix of Cories and kuhlis and they Handle the waste problem, without any Difficulty.

I haven't had to do a gravel vac for a month now, since I added more Kuhlis and Cories.

Ohhh Forgot about shrimp. They are Lovely To watch Fighting the fish off and scurrying away with mocels of food in their Pincers.
Cheese Specialist said:
I'd get a gravel cleaner or some shrimp.
Yes shrimp. there are many to choose from.
I have bumble bee shrimp, they are red in colour and cheap to buy
wow-didnt think about shrimp...im not sure what kind of shrimp my lfs sell's. i do know they sell ghost shrimp, would they be good in my tank? how many should i get?

and how much do those bumblebee shrimp cost? do you have a link to any of them?
Most of the 1's I know, Sell Amano Shrimp.

I am not so sure about how many you could have, I have 2 Left and Mr Clippers the Bamboo Shrimp.

I suppose 4-6 would be ok.

Although they May get harrassed by the Red Eye Tetras.
i just checked out those amano shrimp, they look REALLY cool!! thanks psgill :)

EDIT*now that i've checked out some prices of amano shrimp, i think i will go with a few ghost shrimp because i don't have enough money for 4-6 of those...thanks again

any more ideas?
just got off the phone with the lfs and they said that they only carry ghost shrimp as it is...they sell 20 for $1.50 so now im wondering how im going to split that many shrimp up between my 3 bowls, 10 gallon, and 29 gallon...

i have bettas in the bowls and i guess the shrimp will just have to fend for themselves in the 29 gallon..

****sry if im rambling or not making any sense, I have been up since 1 AM so...u get the drift

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