What Should I Get?


New Member
Mar 10, 2008
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Hi all,
I just got a 5-gallon hexagon tank for my bday and I can't decide what to put in it! It has a built-it filter on the top.

I already have a 5-gallon rectangle tank with a few guppies, a dwarf platy and 2 cory cats. As it is now, it looks like they have plenty of room and are very active and healthy. I'm a perfectionist so I'm always really good about vaccuming the gravel....I do it every other week now, and change the filter once a month. Haven't even seen a speck of algae on the glass yet, so I suppose I'm doing something right...


I have a good idea of how I want the hexagon tank to look like - I'm not setting it up till May, so I have time to plan. I want to get some sort of rounded gravel in a light color, about 3 small-ish live plants, an bubbler decoration, some sort of small-ish cave or brigde decoration, and fish of course.

The fish are my problem - I don't know which ones are compatible with which, but I do know that I want small, colorful fish. I already have guppies, so I'd like to go with something else.
1. I have always wanted a loach (or 2?), I think they are so cool
2. I was thinking a otociclus (spelling?), since I've been told they don't get big.
3. I like barbs, but I'm afraid they'll attack the bottom-feeders
4. never had bettas, maybe a male or 3 females?
5. I'd most likely get a ghost shrimp too, just for fun

So, if anyone has any suggestions for small, colorful fish that would get along well with a loach and an otociclus, I would most appreciate it. I'm thinking 3-5 fish, since thats basically what I have now and they are fine.
I'm not aware of any loaches that are actually small enough for a 5 gallon. Khuli's are pretty small but they need alot of room to swim, and they might go crazy in your tank (also they need sand of the gravel will scratch up their skin when they bury)

Otos like to be in groups, so atleast 3.

1 male betta would be ok, but 3 females might be pushing it for a 5 gallon. Females are still aggressive, so they might feel overcrowded.
Ghost shrimp should be fine.

You could get a couple of cherry barbs, they are pretty peaceful fish.
Well, a friend of mine had 3 in a 1.5 and they did just fine for years.

I was thinking of trying to get some sort of smooth, small gravel, or coarse sand. Everywhere I've read says nothing about the loaches not being able to be on gravel - as long as they have a hole to hide in.

Another thing I could do would be turn the hexagon tank into a guppy tank, and using the rectangular tank I have the guppies in now for the new fish....it has nore surface area for the loaches to swim around.

I was told that any type of barb would attack the bottom feeders. :unsure:
It depends what type of loach you get, for any loach the gravel should be round and not sharp so it doesnt cut their barbles/whiskers. They wont bury and they'll appreciate the hole to hide in.

If you get khuli loaches or other loaches which bury themselves you need sand, because they will burrow regardless of any holes you have.
I have a zebra loach and he is small. But he mostly hides in a cave all day and gets scared when im by the tank and he is out.
I have a zebra loach and he is small. But he mostly hides in a cave all day and gets scared when im by the tank and he is out.

thats because you just have 1 loach, this is exacttly why you need to keep a group of 6+. Loaches are active playful fish when in a decent sized group, by themselves they are shy and stressed. You should get him some friends!

anyway 5gal hex

1. I have always wanted a loach (or 2?), I think they are so cool - None of them stay small enough to accomodate a group of them in a 5gal hex I'm afraid
2. I was thinking a otociclus (spelling?), since I've been told they don't get big. - These again need a group of 5/6+, they ned a ready supply of algae to eat, without it they'll starve and die, in a small tank you're unlikely to grow enough algae to support a decent sized group of ottos so I'd say no to these as well
3. I like barbs, but I'm afraid they'll attack the bottom-feeders - Little bit too big for a 5 gal
4. never had bettas, maybe a male or 3 females? - One male would be fine, but you're unlikely to find anything else that can go in with him, females need to be kept in a group of 6+ to spread out agresion between them, you don't have room for 6 so shouldn't get a group of them, you could get a single female though and you'd be more likely to find tankmates for her
5. I'd most likely get a ghost shrimp too, just for fun - Fine!
when you say you replace the filter you don't change all the media o you in onego s this is a bad idea change half of it each time instead

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