What Should I Do...

black molly3

Fish Herder
Feb 8, 2006
Reaction score
so i went out on saturday and bought 4 golden barbs. Today i noticed
they were breeding. At first i was very happy but on second thoughts i have no idea
what i shoud do.
i know tht there egg scaterers and that they eat most of the egg but when the eggs hatch
do the babys stick to the glass like the danio.
also can you see the eggs.
i am realy happy that there breeding but can ANYONE give me ANY advise on them.

black molly3
I did a google search to hopefully help you on research, but I didn't find much. It seems they usually do eat their eggs and should be removed after they are laid. Eggs hatch after two days. Thats all I found. Since they are in a community tank and not a breeding tank, you'll have to just hope for the best unless someone with actual experience speaks up. If you do end up with fry, let us know how it goes. Do you have a tank you'll be able to move the fry to if you can catch them?
yes i have a tank to move them into.
sure il be glad to let you know when or if they have fry.
thanks a lot

black molly3

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