What Should I Do


A Shrine To Madness
May 28, 2005
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Fargo, ND
Ok, so I'd really like to breed this monday. But here's the thing, I'm going to be gone next friday! I don't know anyone I would trust to take care of the babies, but I need to leave that day, though I'll be late. What should I do? Thanks.
wait till you come back, then breed, the logical thing to do ;)
Ah, but I can't. I'm way to busy. This week is really my only open week, and monday is the most open. I guess I'll just get up real early to feed them and clean the tanks.
if your lucky your bettas will breed on say...wednesday or thursday lol and friday will be a day when fry dont need to be fed yet.
you do realise betta breeding sdoesnt take a week.....do you?

If you're going to be busy, have patience and wait until you have alot of free time and care to give to the fish,
its better to wait and take it slowly and get it completly right instead of rushing things through.

maybe wait till the holidays? maybe then you'll have tons of free time, and not have to worry about school the next day etc

Wednesday: Video Game I've been waiting for years finally comes out, and I plan to play it all day (lol)
Thursday: Lots and lots of homework.
Tuesday: My dad's making me help around the house.

Edit: nvm, I have a plan on what to do. Thaks anyway! ^_^

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