What should I add?


Fish Fanatic
Jun 27, 2004
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Hi, i have just got a 60 gallon aquarium and i'm going to start cycling it soon.
i am planning to get the following fish:

3 Clown Loaches
2 neon blue dwarf gouramis
2 flame gouramis (dwarf maybe?)
1 bristle nose catfish ( if i can find one. maybe go on aquabid)
7 neon tetras

a lot of people say that i have room to add more fish ( atleast until my loaches get bigger but by then i should be able to get a new tank). i dont know what kind of fish i should go for though. i was looking at guppies but im not sure if they'd get picked on. :unsure: so any suggestions would be appreciated. ( also things that would be fairly easy to find and easy to care for ;) )
Sword Tails
Tiger Barbs
Green Tiger Barbs
Albino Tiger Barbs
Black Tetras
Skirt Tetra
Phantom tetras
glowlight tetras
Angelfish(Might eat tetras when bigger)
and some Plecos that grow Small....(Like the Bristlenose)

HTH :)
k thanks so you dont think that the tetras would nip at the guppies? i heard they could nip at bettas so i would assume they might like the guppies tailfin aswell. :unsure:
I had neons with guppies and they took absolutely no interest in each other. I've got black phnatoms now but not guppies, and i have to say that the phantoms seem nippier, but then i haven't kept them with guppies so i wouldn't know...
i think i'll probably add some guppies, so how many you guys think i should add? are they schooling fish?

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