What Should I Add Next?


Fish Fanatic
Apr 18, 2004
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Finally i am done cycling and i can give my Danios some companions. Pick a group of what i should add next for my 29 gallon:

-3 Cherry Barbs
-5 Harlequin Rasboras
-2 Dwarf Gourami
-3 Otos
-6 Neon Tetras
-2 Boesmani Rainbows
I would add the harlequins next. They are peaceful schooling fish that will get along with the danios. leave the neons for last they like a stable tank as they dont like nitrite jumps. HTH
Fishstix said:
Finally i am done cycling and i can give my Danios some companions. Pick a group of what i should add next for my 29 gallon
DANIO ERADICATION - from http://www.applesnail.net/content/various/...eradication.htm

Despite the fact that danios are shiny fish, there are situations in which they are unwanted. This could be for example when there is an excess of danios in an aquarium. Also it's a fact that not everyone is pleased with danios, and even consider danios to be stupid and finds that the species is less interesting than bait minnows. However, it's important to realise that danios can play an important role in maintaining a healthy eco-system in an aquarium: they serve as food for cooler fish, and are great for cycling a tank since they're cheap and many people are actually glad when they sicken and die.

The danio population should stay at zero, and a growth in your tank's danio population indicates possible problems in the balance of your mental state.

You might want to kill a danio for scientific/recreational reasons (dissection of the danio to see if they are less uninteresting when inside-out) or to reduce the spread of danio transmitted parasites that can affect humans and cattle.

However, for your relatively minor infestation, I would simply recommend a common bullhead, or possibly a snapping turtle. These excellent animals will be the best possible companions for your danios, wiping them out in no time and coverting them into food for your hungry, growing bacteria colonies! And best of all, neither animal cares about nitrite spikes a bit!
Another vote for the rasboras. Colorful schooling fish that add some zip to the danios.
If you do Cherry Barbs, bump their number up to 5 or 6. Also, I'd add another 2 Zebras to the mix unless you get tired of them.

The Rainbows might be a little cramped if you add too many fish in there though them and about a dozen smaller fish shouldn't be a problem. If you go with those, they're a great, fast fish and add character to the tank. I wouldn't add them with the Gourami though for space reasons. The Rasboras I'd probably do first, followed by either the Gourami or Rainbows then the Otos and finally the Neons. Like tstenback said they prefer stable tanks.
Max Action said:
Fishstix said:
Finally i am done cycling and i can give my Danios some companions. Pick a group of what i should add next for my 29 gallon
DANIO ERADICATION - from http://www.applesnail.net/content/various/...eradication.htm

Despite the fact that danios are shiny fish, there are situations in which they are unwanted. This could be for example when there is an excess of danios in an aquarium. Also it's a fact that not everyone is pleased with danios, and even consider danios to be stupid and finds that the species is less interesting than bait minnows. However, it's important to realise that danios can play an important role in maintaining a healthy eco-system in an aquarium: they serve as food for cooler fish, and are great for cycling a tank since they're cheap and many people are actually glad when they sicken and die.

The danio population should stay at zero, and a growth in your tank's danio population indicates possible problems in the balance of your mental state.

You might want to kill a danio for scientific/recreational reasons (dissection of the danio to see if they are less uninteresting when inside-out) or to reduce the spread of danio transmitted parasites that can affect humans and cattle.

However, for your relatively minor infestation, I would simply recommend a common bullhead, or possibly a snapping turtle. These excellent animals will be the best possible companions for your danios, wiping them out in no time and coverting them into food for your hungry, growing bacteria colonies! And best of all, neither animal cares about nitrite spikes a bit!
This is coming from a guy with a rubber Rancor Monster in his tank, wondering about other peoples mental states!!! LOL!!! Nuff said. I actually do agree with you somewhat. Danios are kind of boring. I got them for cycling mostly and will not be increasing the population in my tank if that makes you happy.
I actually find my danios interesting. They're extremely active and shoal tightly. they provide a lot of activity.
Well,two stores i went to did not have any Harlequins, so i went with Cherry Barbs. A colorful,red male and 2 females to keep him occupied. I noticed one LFS had some nice Honey Gouramis which i have my eye on. I don't think i'll go with Rainbowfish due to space constraints due to the fact that they do best in schools. What do you all think about a stock of 4 Danios,2 Honey Gourami,3 Cherry Barbs,5 Harlequin Rasboras and 3 Otos? Could i also get away with a school of 5 Neon Tetras or would that be too many fish? Thanks.
Max Action said:
Fishstix said:
Finally i am done cycling and i can give my Danios some companions. Pick a group of what i should add next for my 29 gallon
DANIO ERADICATION - from http://www.applesnail.net/content/various/...eradication.htm

Despite the fact that danios are shiny fish, there are situations in which they are unwanted. This could be for example when there is an excess of danios in an aquarium. Also it's a fact that not everyone is pleased with danios, and even consider danios to be stupid and finds that the species is less interesting than bait minnows. However, it's important to realise that danios can play an important role in maintaining a healthy eco-system in an aquarium: they serve as food for cooler fish, and are great for cycling a tank since they're cheap and many people are actually glad when they sicken and die.

The danio population should stay at zero, and a growth in your tank's danio population indicates possible problems in the balance of your mental state.

You might want to kill a danio for scientific/recreational reasons (dissection of the danio to see if they are less uninteresting when inside-out) or to reduce the spread of danio transmitted parasites that can affect humans and cattle.

However, for your relatively minor infestation, I would simply recommend a common bullhead, or possibly a snapping turtle. These excellent animals will be the best possible companions for your danios, wiping them out in no time and coverting them into food for your hungry, growing bacteria colonies! And best of all, neither animal cares about nitrite spikes a bit!
maybe i'm a little slow, :blink:
but are you jokingly making fun of this snail eratication site or are you using it as your bible to fish keeping :huh:
cause i didn't really find it too funny
i'm pretty sure you are joking
and if you are, i'm sorry for misunderstanding (its very late here :zz )
but i think killing danios (or snails for that matter) for those reasons are disgusting
:no: not impressed by whoever made that site
Pointy_kitty said:
cometcattle said:
Sounds like some forgot to take their meds. :S
who forgot to take their meds. :huh:

silly boy ;)
Whoever wrote that odd danio rant. :blink:

The danios are coming!!!!
The danois are coming!!!! :eek: :eek: :eek:

silly little kitty cat ;) ;)

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