What shall i put in my tank?

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Fish Crazy
Jun 24, 2005
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Hi i have a Juwel Rio 125l that currently houses 2 dalmation mollies (f), female swordtail, 5 corys and an ADF. Its looking a bit empty, Can i add some more fish to this tank, if so what types and how many.Maybe some brightly coloured fish except for guppies as i have another tank with those in.
i would say get some angelfish or some gouramis. they will add some colour and be an excellent center piece fish
Anybody else got any ideas of what to put in my tank
Hi Lil,

You could add a group of cardinal tetras or neons for colour well any tetra which stays small or a group of female platies (come in loads of colours) and an algae eater such as a bristlenose plec or a trio of otocinclus for a bit of variety.

If you really want gourami's a pair of dwarf or honey would be fine or a group of sparkling gourami.

Could i add a mixture of different tetras
Hi Lil,

I would only get one variety of tetras as they swim in a shoal,your tank is 33 gallons and only has room for another 7 or so small fish. Unless you get neons and cardinals which usually swim together as they look alike.

i would advise against any angelfish.They get big and can be agressive
Do you know how many gallons the tank is?
How about a small group of tetras such as the black phanton tetra or bellding heart tetra.I wouls advise against neon tetras too,as they can be weak and arnt very hardy and need perfect water
You could also get a dwarf gourami.
How old is the tank?
Cardinal/neon tetra :) they r amount the most beautiful non expansive fish out there.

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