What Schooling Fish?


Oct 16, 2007
Reaction score
Texas, USA
After lots of changes in my plans for my 55, I've finally got a direction going.

Right now, I have:
2 Pearl Gouramis (I think its a M/F, but not 100% sure)
7 Bosemani Rainbows (3M/4F)
2 Raphael cats
3 spotted cories

I'd like to up the number of cories to 6 (so 3 more), and I'd really like to add a school of smaller fish. I'm kind of on a budget, so something common would be good. I'm thinking about neons, WCMM, or something of the like. I'd rather not do danios, as I've had them a lot in the past. Any suggestions for what to put in?

Is a small tetra even a possibility though? The rainbows are very young, probably just 1.5" or so and the gouramis seem on the young side (I don't think they are full grown, maybe about 2/2.5") I don't want to get a school of fish and have them get eaten....

Thanks for suggestions!

I dont see why you would have a problem with tetras with those fish. I think you can pretty much add any community fish to the mix without problems.
WCMM tend to prefer a lower temperature so not sure if these would be ideal.

Two I would recommend are Silver-tipped tetra or black phantom tetra.

I have both of these after trying a few others. They are both very hardy in an established aquarium although the silver tipped tetras are very fast and energetic - not staying in a shoal for long. They are busy chasing each other and playing "tag" all the time so get these if you dont mind them not shoaling.

The black phantom tetra tend to stay in groups of same sized fish. Once they grow to the same size, all fish stay together. They shoal quite nicely in my tank now that my keyholes have grown up and started getting territorial against the cockatoo dwarf's.

Remember, if there are no agressive or territorial fish in your tank then there will be no reason for other fish to shoal. I dont know if your gouramis would encourage shoaling or not.
Pristella tetras are my favourite!
Although neons can look fantastic in big shoals.
Hi bordercollie05 :)

By all means, add some more corys. The more the better!

I'm fond of glowlight tetras. They are small and have soft, but lovely coloring.
Thanks for all the suggestions. I really like all of those tetras :). I'll have a look at the fish shop to see what's available. Also, definitely will be adding the cories too. Hopefully I'll get some pictures of this tank up soon.

Looking at your stock, it seems like the lower-middle of the tank might be where you want to be adding fish. Any of the tetras mentioned above would fill the space well. I'm a fan of harlequin rasboras, too, which have some decent coloration, are fairly cheap, and will fill the same space of the tank.

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