what rate filtration?


Fish Fanatic
Sep 26, 2003
Reaction score
Sydney, Australia
Hello all, Merry Christmas :D

Can anyone tell me how much filtration is needed for a 5 foot long 80g tank. I read in a book that twice the tank volume per hour will do fine. Does this sound right? Also can anyone recommend a good filtration system?

Thank you ;)
Twice an hour is too low, imo. I would shoot for at least turning the tank over 5-6 times an hour and up to 10 times an hour.

What type of filter do you like? HOB's, canisters etc. They both are great filters and it's more personal preference than anything. I've used both and like both. For HOB's on an 80g tank I would use 2 Emperor 400's. Or you could go with a HOB and a canister.
Hello smb ;)

I ended up getting an 'AquaClear 500' HOB filter. I have just set it up and it is working great. It does a rate of about 1900 litres an hour, which is about 6 times the volume.

thanks for your advice. :)
You're welcome manddave. :)

I think you'll be happy with the AC. Thank you for the update.

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