What R These Things?


Fish Fanatic
Jan 17, 2007
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ottawa illinois
ive noticed over the past few days that these little white flea looking things r floating in my tank. they just stay on the suface and dont actually go in the water. They move around and jump almost like a flea, HELP IM BEING INVADED. About a week age i noticed a few fish had what i thought was ich, treated for a week did a water change. lost one fish one ready to go but the others r doing fine. any help would be appreciated

Please remember that this is a family forum
Have you been feeding any live daphnia.
I would do this thread in tropical chit chat more members go over there.
no i havebt really changed anything. i have been letting my tank dwindle down to about 10 fish (all african chiclids in a 125 gal) but thats the only change
When you say you thought your fish had ich can you describe it.
Look for flicking and rubbing on objects.
pierce mark or red sores.
Check the gills to see if there pale with excess mucas on then, or red and inflamed.
yea i am pretty sure its ich, White spots on three fish well now two the one i lost got red blotches and alot of gravel rubbing. i now think its under controll been treating for a week and a half. still confused on the little flea looking things
Red sores are a sign of parasites.
Ok good luck.
the little flea like things are called springtails. thats how they hop, by coiling their tails under their body's and then straightening them against the plants or surface tension of the water. there was a piece about them in practical fishkeeping monthly this month. you could gently drag a paper towel across the surface of the water and trap and remove them this way. ive got them in my tank. they dont bother me. they would if i had loads but i only ever see one or two.
apparently they cant live out of the tank. they need it to be wet/moist and will dry up if not

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