What puffers can you keep in a 15G?


Cheer up, the worst is yet to come. ~ P. Johnson
Jul 31, 2004
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The Netherlands/UK
So I've got an empty 15 Gallon right now, and already got a 15G running with 2 dwarf puffers in it ... was wondering if there are any other puffers that could go in a 15G cept for dwarfs? (So different tank, and I can make it either fresh or brackish)
How about a couple of collemesus assellus (SA puffer)?

They are freshwater (sooo much easier!) and I think (I know I'll be corrected if I'm wrong!) that you could fit maybe a couple in!

Apparently they are very active as well!

Oi ... I have Never seen them in Holland :p
Any more that I could keep in there? Preferable brackish I think :p
Would I be able to keep a figure eight puffer in a 15 Gallon?
I think I might go for a figure eight then ... I'd love a GSP, but dont have a tank big enough for one yet ... have a very limited selection of puffers here in holland.
I would go for a single figure eight, if your lucky he may outgrow the tank but this will take many years. If I remember right the general rule is 5g to 1 inche of fish for brackish and saltwater fish. I think f8's grow to 3 inches, however, I have seen some sites state 5".

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