What Plec Would Suit Me?

we need the tank size. if its a small tank then you could go for a golden nugget plec or bulldog plecs or some clown plecs. most plecos will not actuall clean your tank fr you, my bn does suck most of the day on my tank but my clowns hardly do. my golden nugget wasent a tank cleaner either.
i think a gibbi will be to big in the long run, you can get female bn's with no bristles. i have one.

this link My link has a list of pleco's among other catfish.

i would go for the para pleco if availible to you.


para pleco info
i would go for a golden nugget
but they do take a long time to get to a good size and are expensive to get big.
or a royal
They shouls adapt to most ph and hardnesses that arent to extrame. they should be fine on pellets and blood worm but GNs also like alot of meat like prawns and muscles im not so sure about the royals though.
I wouldn't go for the Para Pleco as an algae eater. I have one and he is a beautiful Plec, but rubbish at eating algae :lol:
Ok bought 2 plecs today, i think they are 'scribble plecs'

very cheap at £2 each sold as 'Red Sail Fin plecs' in a tank full of juvi Gibbiceps and other small plecs in my lfs.

They are black with white scribbley markings, very pretty looking.

The other plecs in the tank where obvious Gibbiceps and some that looked like Gibbiceps but with reverse colours so much pailer.

Any pics?, if they are indeed 66's then it's a bargain but without pics it could possibly be a few different species.

What size are they?

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