What Plants...?


Fish Fanatic
Mar 28, 2007
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hi peeps what plants do you think would be ideal for my tank it is a 2ft record 60- 70 ( jewel) you lot know what fishi have since i have listed them below in my signiture
The type of plants you can have depends on lighting first and for most. Yes, people inject CO2 and fertilizers, but the lighting is what gives all plants life. So, if you want to just keep your basic fixture which is prob a flourescent with maybe 1watt per gallon then you need to find low-light plants. If you want to upgrade to something a little stronger, then you can get some powercompacts that will give you maybe 3 or 4watts per gallon. Ths will open most plants to you as it gives much mroe light and even plants with high light tolerance can get by on power compacts.

I dont know if anybody uses MH's (metal halides) for a freshwater planted tank but they are about as powerful as you can get in aquaria. They have ranges of about 4.5 to 7 watts per gallon which may not sound like a lot, but just like the sun, you really wouldnt want to stare at these long. There are also VHO (very high output) lights that give close to the power of MH but if your gonna buy lights that powerful, might as well get the MH's

Figure out your lighting and what you want to do and then repost this topic in the plants and planted tanks section and those folks can advise you furthur on exact species of plants :good:
2 female chocolate sailfin mollys
2 small orange sailfin mollys
1 male dalmation molly
1 butterfly fish
2 fat lip gourami
1 common pleco
2 sailfin plecos
1 upside down catfish
and 7 molly fry

All that in what size tank?
i have already putmy tank size in the first post and me tank is ot over crowed before you say

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