What plants do yall recommend to go with anubias?

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Fish Fanatic
Apr 18, 2024
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Cleburne TX
What plants do yall recommend to go with anubias congensis?I candy only use hardscape type plants. Since my substrate is sand only .
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You can use stem plants in a sand-only substrate. A lot of stems can feed off the water column such as Limnophila sessiliflora, Hornwort, and Elodea. You don't even need to plant them in the sand, just weigh them down with a plant weight on the substrate surface or even plant them in terracotta pots for example. You can also use them as floating plants if you want.

As for epiphyte alternatives, you could try smaller Anubias, Java Fern, Bolbitis, Buceplhradrana and Schismatoglottis prietoi.
I have sand and I have several plants rooted in that, mainly rosette plants such as Cryptocorynes and small species of Echinodorus. I also have a species of bucephalandra and Bolbitis heudeloti attached to wood. Java fern (several named varieties available) also grows attached to decor.

I have Schismatoglottis prietoi rooted in the sand substrate :)

If you want a tall plant, look at Cryptocoryne balansae. It spreads by runners and I had to remove yet another one yesterday which came up where I didn't want it.

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