What Plants Are Best For Platies?.


Fish Crazy
Dec 30, 2005
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Hiya just wanted to ask what are the best plants for Platies and should i add hiding places ie, Pots etc, I have 5 Platies in the tank thats it. :look:
theres 1 male 4 female, if/wen they have fry i will try to keep as many as poss, will give sister in law a few keep a few for my self and give some to people who want them.

I have java moss at the bottom of the tank.This is just a clump of moss which is tied to a rock or piece of bogwood using cotton thread.Eventually it roots itself to the wood and the thread either rots away or can be cut off
Im also a big fan of hornwort--forget its proper name-.I just let this float in the tank and it provides good cover for the fry.
You really,really need a bigger tank especially if you want to keep any of the fry--14l is far far too small.
You really,really need a bigger tank especially if you want to keep any of the fry--14l is far far too small.

I no im looking in to getting a bigger tank very soon, With the fry whts best to do?, keep them in and fittest survive (as some 1 told me to do) or take them out?.
It's really your choice. If you want a lot to survive, take them out. If you only want a few to none, survival of the fittest. With your tank situation right now, I'd do survival of the fittest until you get a bigger tank and have some room for babies.

Otherwise, where would you take them out to right now? A breeder net?
It's really your choice. If you want a lot to survive, take them out. If you only want a few to none, survival of the fittest. With your tank situation right now, I'd do survival of the fittest until you get a bigger tank and have some room for babies.

Otherwise, where would you take them out to right now? A breeder net?

sisiter in laws, they havent had fry yet just looking at options for wen it happens,
Oh, so you'd put them in a tank at your sister-in-law's? What size tank does she have? And is she prepared to take care of them? :)
Oh, so you'd put them in a tank at your sister-in-law's? What size tank does she have? And is she prepared to take care of them? :)

she has a few tanks ranging from small to large, Yeah she will be fine about it as some of hte smaller tanks are not in use and she wants some to.
Okay, so she knows all about feeding them, and doing frequent water changes. Is her tank cycled yet? As you can't just set it up and put the fry in there.

I'd suggest you and her both read my article about The fry tank so you can get a bit more information. :)

It does seem like the best option if you want to raise them though. :thumbs:
Okay, so she knows all about feeding them, and doing frequent water changes. Is her tank cycled yet? As you can't just set it up and put the fry in there.

I'd suggest you and her both read my article about The fry tank so you can get a bit more information. :)

It does seem like the best option if you want to raise them though. :thumbs:

shes raising gupy fry at the mo.
If they are in with a male, there is a 99.9% chance they are pregnant. Any chance of pictures, though, because I could probably confirm it. :)
If they are in with a male, there is a 99.9% chance they are pregnant. Any chance of pictures, though, because I could probably confirm it. :)

the only pic iv took is on me pro, I have only got cam phone at mo digi cam needs bat

the only pic iv took is on me pro, I have only got cam phone at mo digi cam needs bat

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