What Plant Fertilisers Are 100% Safe With Shrimp?


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Sep 18, 2008
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Topic title says it all.
My plants are in need of some extra oomph (i.e. plant fertlisers), can any shrimp keeper point me in the
direction of a fully 100% compatable with shrimp (i.e. no copper) liquid plant fertiliser?

Ive got a community fish tank with cherry and amano shrimps, I also have some interpet number 2 flora boost from about a
year or so ago, but cant be certain its not laden with copper so have held off using it.

Im in the UK so preferably a brand that I can pick up here.

Ta in advance
Flourish, Kent nitrogen, Kent K(potassium), Kent Phos+, and Flourish trace. Also any of the EI ferts: KNO3, KH2PO4, K2SO4, and CSM+B.

I don't think the copper in plant ferts will effect the shrimp. I forget why, but I think its something to do with the form the copper is in. Also when ferts say they contain copper, it really is a very small amount. With shrimp it is mainly the copper in medications that you have to watch out for.
Flourish, Kent nitrogen, Kent K(potassium), Kent Phos+, and Flourish trace. Also any of the EI ferts: KNO3, KH2PO4, K2SO4, and CSM+B.

I don't think the copper in plant ferts will effect the shrimp. I forget why, but I think its something to do with the form the copper is in. Also when ferts say they contain copper, it really is a very small amount. With shrimp it is mainly the copper in medications that you have to watch out for.

And may I say thank you as well?
I'd heard before that Flourish was OK to use with shrimp, but didn't dare use it in my little, specifically shrimp tank.
It's a bit different if you know people are using it regularly without harm.
Of course, I've been out of the blasted stuff for a while because my LFS says that it's not available in Western Canada right now, just as I find out it's OK for all my tanks...
(I'll get you, Murphy, and your little laws, too!)
Yep thats what I wanted aswell, the reasurance that its being used by someone else with shrimp.

Many thanks
I used all the ferts I listed with cherry shrimp and have never noticed any effects on the shrimp. I used the bottled ferts for a couple years and the shrimp multiplied from and original 20 to a few hundred, so IMO they are shrimp safe. I did manage to kill a majority of my shrimp with CO2 overdose, so I went shrimpless for a while. In the last couple months I've switched to EI ferts and have noticed the shrimp that survived are breeding quite quickly again. So I would assume these are shrimp safe as well.
i know interpet 2 flora boost kills shrimps so avoid that one
Can confirm that both Flourish and Flourish Trace are 100% safe with shrimp.. been using for 3 weeks now with no problems what so ever so thanks to Mikaila31 for the original info (I was the topic starter).
Now the mini-cycle im going through due to change from gravel to sand is another matter.. im quite sick of water tests and water changes lol.
Glad I could help. I keep trying to convince myself that I don't keep shrimp, but when I got home today. I found like 50 juvenile cherry shrimp don't laps around one of my tank. They where all swimming in the upper half of the tank, just following the glass and going round and round. It was really weird, I've never seen them do that before. I gave them some food and that made them stop, so maybe they where just really hungry. LOL! Maybe I should start giving them food once and a while. All the fish that use to eat them died.....

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