What Pets Do We Have

I have lots of fish and one cat. This is Pandora. :D

Besides all the fish I have a couple of Australian Terriers. Kazimer is on the left, Gustav is on the right;

I have two cats.


and Bailey

No fish at the moment, still trying to find a suitable tank, and paint, and unpack. :lol:

What pets do you have catfish?
oooh an excuse to show off me babies :wub:

we have Smudge; she is a proper lady of the manor!



and Bella; the only way I could describe her is daft... very sweet and licks you to death!



Tiggs; Bella's baby. He is such a soft lad, he will lie down and roll over to his back religiously!


and Lily; she is such a fruit! She charges around like a maddun and then suddenly will either curl up on your lap or in her favourite bed!



we used to have a labrador, Simba. Adored him, but he became uncontrollable, the last straw being he growled at my 3yr old daughter over a treat :( had to get Simba rehomed after this (with no kids). was devestated, we'd had him from 6 week old


oh, and of course, my fish tank, my two kids, Mia and Cole, and Kev, my fiancee :p
Apart from fish tanks..........
I have a 2yr old rabbit called Alfie! :) Was an indoor rabbit but preferred the garden! :p



He loves his 2 storey hutch! But gets full run of the garden during the day!


what pets do you have it could be bugs to fish

I have a Cocker Spaniel/King Charles Cavalier cross named Cash. He's copper-coloured with white dapples on his muzzle and is one of the most even-tempered dogs I've ever come across. We previously had Schnauzers, who were very frisky and loyal but barked a lot.
I have two dogs, both rescues:

Silly - 3yr old collie x staffy, we've had her for 2 years and she lives up to her name...


Ace - 1 yr old collie x australian kelpie, had him 4 months. I don't think he realises how big he is, he is very clumsy but so comical!


sharing a bed :rolleyes: They do have one each!


we also fostered Fozzy Bear for 5 months, unfortunately it didn't work out as he was very nervous and stressed, and snapped at people including our nieces :( shame cos he was lovely with just us at home...



is that the very same Diesel who had the lion cut?! He looked so cool! Does he still have it?
well apart from the fish and crayfish we have
8 guinea pigs
4 chinchillas
2 degoes
6 chickens/1 cockeral
1 cat
12 turtles
alpine newts
too many ducks too count

and as of next month we will also have..2 pot bellied pigs (annie and nero) a donkey (barney) 2 swans, more ducks and chickens, and a little kitten called cassie (we are taking on a friends animals as sadly they have to move house :( )

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