What Parameters For Goldfish

what parameters for goldfish ?

ph - isn't too critical but extremes should be avoided, personally keep them at around 7.5
temp - should be below 24C (75F). between 18C (64F) and 22C (71F) is around the ideal temp IMO
nitrate - below 100, ideally between 5 and 40.
nitrite - 0 same with all fish
ammonia - 0 same with all fish

PH- an alkeline PH is actually the most ideal ph for these fish and are ideal fish if your water is very alkaline, however goldfish are so robust and adaptable fish they really aren't that fussy/particular about ph and its no big deal for them living in a more acidic ph as long as it doesn't change (sudden change in ph can cause ph shock to fish which is very stressful for them).
Temp- depends on the varieties of goldfish you are keeping and how well oxygenated the tank is. Oxygen dissolves at warmer temperatures, so the warmer the tank the more you need to do to aerate/oxygenate the water. Fancy goldfish do well at sub-tropical temps (19-23 degrees) and the warmer coldwater temps, but non-fancy goldfish like comets and commons do best the colder the tank is.
Nitrates- should be between 1 and 40 but ideally no more than 60. Nitrates are the end product of the nitrogen cycle and act as a fertilizer for plants, they are generally harmless to fish unless in very excessive levels.
Nitrites and ammonia- should always be 0 at all times, if you have any sign of ammonia or nitrites it means something has gone very wrong with the water quality and the beneficial bacteria is no longer coping with the bioload in the tank- this could come about due to numerous reasons though, so its important to find the cause of the ammonia or nitrites if you do get any in the tank since they are toxic to all aquatic life.

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