What Other Fish Do You Suggest?


New Member
Mar 26, 2010
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I've got a 10 gallon tank with four Lemon Tetra's and a female Guppy. I'm thinking of getting another female Guppy and possible one more fish, and was wondering what do you suggest?

I like the look of Bettas but I'm unsure on whether it would get one with my existing fish. I've read that they are ok for a community tank, but then I've also read they aren't.
In a large communtiy tank (50 plus gallons) a Betta may work , but in 10 gallons,, there is very good possibility that the Betta could claim all of the surface area as it's turf and inflict possible damage to the tetra's.
Is also possible maybe even probable,that the Lemon tetra's could find the Betta as an easy target and begin nipping the long flowing fins of the poor fish until it became stressed to the point of sickness or death.
Must also consider that the tetra's are much,much,faster at grabbing foods and this could leave the Betta holding the short end of the stick at feeding time.
Were it me,, I would add another three Lemon tetra's and call it good at least until I got a larger tank.
tetras are also schooling fish and prefer to be in groups of 6 or more.
otherwise they get stressed as the group gives them safety. the stress can lead to early death x
yeah i would up the tetra to maybe 8-10, then i personally would get a pair of dwarf gourami
I think I'll up the Tetra count for now and possibly a few more guppies. Thanks for your advice guys.
Maybe not 8-10 guppies, more like 4 would be max

Maybe one more lemon. :good:

Bettas are never a good community fish. More of a solitary type of animal.

You may even be able to put a few shrimp/ one snail in your tank. Although, that could be a bit over stocked...

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