What Next??

Miss Wiplash

New Member
Jul 21, 2003
Reaction score
yesterday added my first fish to my 48x 18 x18 inch comunity tank.

I currently have

1 clown pleco
5 glass catfish
20 neon tetra's
4 bumblebee Catfish ( the LFS said the only get to three inches but i think ive read different)

I wont be adding any more fish for about 3 - 4 weeks but what fish do you think will go well in this setup?

Im also considering more Neons as i love the way they shoal.
Hiya you seem to have all the levels covered, what about a surface dweller, hatchets are nice and as far as I know most types don't get too big for your size tank). Though I think they are all shoaling fish and you'd need to get a few.

I love the way neons shoal too, nothing quite like that amazing flash of colour you get from them. :D
ive never kept neons and i think 20 seems too few but when my glass catfish come along they dart out the way then reform. My tank just seems so empty :(
For a new set up that seems like alot of fish to add at one go :eek:

I assume it is matured/cycled? :/

This many fish at once could put considerable strain on the biological filter.

I'd keep a close eye on your tank parameters especially ammonia and nitrite - if you have the tests - and if things are getting high or the fish look stressed then be prepared to do some large water changes :/

Also feed sparingly to cut down on waste....

Back to the fish - the bigger a shoal of neons the better they look B) :thumbs:

As far as other fish go its often easier to find fish that suit your local water parameters as certain species prefer soft/hard, acidic/alkaline etc. - do you know what yours are?

Sorry about all the q's but it helps paint a clearer picture :D

btw Hiya and welcome :thumbs: :) (if I haven't done it in another thread :unsure:

Cheers for the welcome

Yeh it was cycled for four weeks. It has an external ehiem filter and a internal fluval jobbie.

The water parameters are all coolio at the moment but i will check every day just in case. How many neons would you go for? And any other sugestions?

Thanx again
I have 53 neons,cardinals mixed. I always think an odd number looks better in a tank. I have a 5' X 18 X18 tank. If your tank looks bare, try adding plants. Plants makes a tank look richer and the green is soothing, especially after a stressful day. The fish will also appreciate it also, especially the pleco.
i have a large surface plant on one side and a little slate bits i wanted to try and keep it simple unlike my malawi tank.
Dragonslair said:
I have 53 neons,cardinals mixed.
WOW! I can't believe you've got that many fish. :blink: I mean, I guess it shouldn't surprise me since you tank is 5 feet long lol, but still, seeing the number "53" when talking about animals is sorta mind boggling! I imagine it's pretty awesome to see all those lil guys swimming around though, they always look so cool in a big school. (Though I've never seen one that big! :))
dragonslair- what else do u have in that 5 foot tank? or is it just neons?

those 53 must look excellent:)
Dragonslair said:
I have 53 neons,cardinals mixed. I always think an odd number looks better in a tank.
lol :lol: :rolleyes:

when there's 53 I don't think it really matters if there's an odd or even number lol :no: ;) :p :lol:

Miss Whip, I think platys would be a good later addition also. Read up on Neons. These guuys arent one of the no=brainer tetras. People have problems with diminishing schools quite often(yours truly being one of them), I think the ph is very key to their health.

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