What Next??


New Member
Dec 9, 2004
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Help me, what should i put in my tank next and how many more fish should i introduce?????

I have just started and have a 180L tank, so far i have -

1 Bristlenose Catfish
2 Angels
2 Clown Loaches
1 Unknown Loach
1 Silver Shark
1 Red Tailed Shark
1 Siamese fighting fish (The Daddy of the tank!!)

I would like to get 2 more clown loaches and a Plec, have i got enogh room for anymore? if i have, what next??

Thank you for your advise! ;)
its 4 weeks old, i have had the water tested at my local shop and they were happy with the result, i ahve had my first clean and due another this weekend!!
If your remove the clown loaches and bala shark, both which are not really suitable for the tank, it will open many options for additions. How many you introduce will, of course, depend on what you decide to get.
Thanks Freddyk
How big should my tank be for my Bala and clowns? is 180L not enough? :fish:
Both those fish, under appropriate conditions, will reach 30 cm, in the case of the clowns they can get even larger, though it's not common. Then we have to take into account that they're both shoaling fish, and do best with more of their own kind.

To keep, say, 3 of each as adults I'd say, roughly, a 400 litre tank is a good estimate for a minimum. Of course, shape of the tank is important too. As an example, a tall 500 liter tank that is 120 cm long cannot hold any more of these fish then a short 300 liter tank that is also 120 cm long.

When considering keeping the fish because they're small now (a very popular theory), keep in mind that if these fish are not given an appropriate tank to grow into, their growth will be stunted, and in turn, so will their lives.
Thanks again Freddyk

what would you suggest for my next steps?
i would first get rid of the bala shark , and maybe the clowns. you can keep the clowns as long as you can provide a larger home in the future. I say just the clowns because they only gorw an inch a year, where as the bala grows quick.The n maybe get a couple rams and mybe a school of somesort of school of danios.
j_liquid, there are many fish you can get to replace those ones. Check out the many catfish that can replace the clowns that will only get to 6" or so. I'm a fan of the Synodontis group, of which many would work. There are also many mid. sized shoaling fish to get in place of the Bala shark. With smaller fish you can also keep larger schoals.
Thank you for all your help, i enquired about a new tank whil i was at the shop last night, i am going to replace my current tank with a larger tank and put my current tank in my bedroom in the new year, then i will split the loaches and the bala,

J Liquid :nod:
I wouldnt get a pleco either unless you were planning another bristlenose or one of a similar size. Gibbiceps and common plecos get too big. Lovely fish though!!!

If it were mine I would take back the sharks and clown loaches and get gouramis, and livebearers (swordies and platies being my favourites) but they arent everyones cuppa.
i wont be taking any fish back, i would be defeating the object of having a tank to take back the fish i like and repace them with new!!!!!! But thank you for your advise plecperson!
i have looked at my money situation today and i have enough for a much bigger tank, so i think i will put the clowns in the bigger tank and a couple of the other residents, then think about what to do next!

Thank you all for your advise! J

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