What next?


Mar 7, 2004
Reaction score
Cardiff, Wales
since I actually have money right now (glee!) I think I might get some new fish soon.

I'm thinking either getting another 2 Black Phantom Tetras to make the group up to 7, another Cory since I've heard that 5, 7 & 9 are the "magic" numbers or finally getting my Butterfly fish (since I'm getting one anyway).

However, my Betta Steve is still getting over the fin-nipping from my danios (which were returned). The tank has been treated with Melafix since last Monday and he is actually looking much happier (despite the fact that he still hides a little bit... but he's been coming out a lot more the past few days) and his fins have started healing up. There's nothing wrong with him except for the slight shyness and his fins healing so would it be ok to add more fish right now or do you think I should wait another few weeks?
ummm I don't know how many gallons your tank is? But as far as adding more fish, if you have room, then there shouldbe no problem. As long as they wont pick on your betta then the melafix and his torn fins should not be a problem.
melafix is all natural, so it does not have any harmful chemicles. Therefor it will not hurt or stress any of your new fish. Actually I believe on the directions on the bottle it says to add some when you are adding fish.
here are my tank details if they help. I know its in my sig but people do turn the sigs off.

- 5 platies (and a few fry)
- 1 scribbled pleco [Duke]
- 2 kuhlii loaches [Freddy & Jason]
- 1 GORGEOUS male betta [Steve]
- 4 Schwartz Corydoras Catfish
- 5 Black Phantom Tetras

some people may say I'm overstocked but I clean the tank once a week anyway - not because I have to but because I'm sure the fish appreciate some fresh water so I don't mind the maintainence of a highly stocked tank (I swear, doing my fish tank is one of my favourite things to do)
I'm not sure what that is in US gallons, but if it's about a 20 gallon, then I think you should be about completely stocked. No matter how often you clean it, it will still stress the fish if there are too many in there.
However, after saying that, I do like the phantom tetras so that's what I would add. ;)

I have 2 phantoms in my 55 and I was thinking of putting them in my 10g with my male betta who's all alone in there. Do your black phantoms leave the betta alone? And will they eat their own eggs/fry, because if I add these to the 10g I definitely do not want to worry about babies!

Good luck! :)
in US its about 26G

my Black Phantoms leave my Betta alone, not had any eggs/fry yet so I don't know about that.

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