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Fish Fanatic
Jul 12, 2006
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ok, i have a 10 usg tank stocked with the normal fw supplies. like filter, lighted hood, heater, thermometer. so i was thinking about starting a nano reef instead of a fw tank. :hyper: so i think im going to need:
10 pounds of live sand
10 pounds of live rock
a power head.
a hydro meter( what is this?)
marine salt

so since im new what should i add on to my list or take off.
i have been reading and this seems about right for what i need to cycle the tank. :D
The hydrometer measures the sg (specific gravity) of salt in your water. I believe you want it consistently at 1.026.

Might need better lighting too if you plan on using almost any typre of corals. a few are fine in low light but almost all corals need alot of light.
like what kind of light can i have because i have double hood lighting that has two small lights not one big long one?
like what kind of light can i have because i have double hood lighting that has two small lights not one big long one?

I'm pretty sure you can buy seperate lights that will stand above the tank and don't need to go in the hood you have. I would look into power compacts for something like you have if you want corals. I can't be more specific beyond that because i'm not familiar with all the kinds of lighting options that are available.
It depends on what you want to keep in the nano - if you're planning to keep corals then I would get better lights. If you're planning to just keep fishies then the lights might not be a big deal.
well there are a few main types of lighting erm T5 lighting, T8 lighting (worse than T5 and really suck), PC (power compacts), metal halide ( the ultiamte can support all high light demanding corals but also the msot expensive) also it owuld be wise to possibley have some form of moonlighting helps corals apparently

o and also you might want to either take the double lights out (intact so you can use them if need be) and then fit the new starters plus bulbs (dont need to do this with halides or some clip on T5's) or you could just build a new one. look in the diy section theres a good pin that tells you how anyway good luck and wish you well :good:
thnx i will post when i get some things mybe even start posting pictures of the process
ok ive set up the tank with live rock sand filter heater and ive painted the back black.
i even found a star fish in the rock :hyper:

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