What Might This Be?


Fish Fanatic
Feb 7, 2006
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In my tank I have a turtle, 3 plecos, numerous guppies, numerous white cloud minnows, 2 mystery snails, 4 small brown snails (? not sure what they are!), 2 singapore shrimp, and numerous ghost shrimp. On the bottom of my turtles basking dock there are what look like 4 threads hanging down with little balls stuck to them! The threads are really thin and I couldn't get them to show up in a picture. Is it some kind of eggs? some kind of algea? Does it sound familiar to anyone?
I have a turtle and a basking dock and this never happened to me.. Go to www.turtleforum.com and you might be able to find it.
they could be snail eggs? that would be my guess. What sort of turtles do you have? Are the fish in there for food?
they could be snail eggs? that would be my guess. What sort of turtles do you have? Are the fish in there for food?

Well they still have never hatched....whatever they are! I have a 2 1/4" Western Painted turtle and yes, the fish were originally going to be food, but he so far has shown no interest and I have to admit I am loving the fish! To the point now that if he decided to make them a meal I will remove them! :)

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