what male should go with


Fish Crazy
Oct 23, 2004
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hi all
just need a little help, i want to breed my mustard gas female but i wanna know what colour male to put her with to get mustard gas or very pretty bettas.
but i cant get hold of a mg male.
any help would be great

if you got your betta from a pet store, it doesnt matter if it is a MG male or not, you will get diffrent kinds of colors anyways.
no she wasnt from a pet store.
but to get a male i will have to get one from a pet store.
BettasRFriends said:
Well I got my mg female at a lfs and my friend got his mg male at the same lfs.
so? That has nothing at all to do with the topic.

betta_CT, do not breed VT's. The male will be a VT because all pet store ones are. Get a nice mustared gass male from the same place you got the female, wheather an online store, or see if the store can order you one. There might be a chance then to get mustard gasses.

How are you planning on breeding the bettas? Have you done it before?
woooh hows this for luck got a mg male today only £4:25 n i fink he got CT in him
how happy am i lol :p :D
sorry dont have a camera gotta get one.
found a mg male at weekend and put him in a divided tank and he is a jumper got to the lady on da other side n they bred this morning, everything looks good so ill leave him in there.
i know its bad but what can i do if he jumped it and eggs where there when i woke up....not much realy.
ive gave him some bloodworms today so he has something in his tummy and still looking after the eggs

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