What Loach With Guppies?


Fish Crazy
Nov 1, 2007
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Well I am searching for fish to add to my 240 liter tank that would go with guppies. I was thinking about getting some bottomdwellers and just can't decide which one. I was thinking about adding a pleco or a loach of some kind. I am also planing on adding some algae eaters (i like them)...

I don't want an agressive species as I have male fancy guppies in aquarium (13 at the moment).

Oh and I want something not so timid, more outgoing that will be out during the day (there are no plecs like that, ha ? :( ) and I believe loaches are active during the day. I don't want them to be too big.

Good loach species would be b. striata (zebra loach). They max out around 4" and are pretty easy going. IME the least aggressive loach species. They prefer groups so get 4 at an absolute minimum. More you have, the more comfortable and the more active they seem to be. They like a bit more flow than guppies can handle, but as long as the water is well oxygenated they'll do fine.

Kuhli loaches are also great community fish. There are a large number of fish sold as "kuhli" loaches but they're basically all the same as far as temperament, size and care. They can be timid but are interesting to watch. Largish groups are better than small groups. Again, at least 4 with more being better. (they're slim bodied so don't make much waste for their length)

For loaches do NOT get clown loaches, skunk loaches or tiger loaches. They're all too big and/or aggressive. The hillstream loaches are also very poor choices (Common names are Hong Kong Plecos, butterfly loaches). They need way too much flow to put with guppies and like cooler water.

Cories also make good bottom dwellers in a community tank.

For algae eaters, ottos and bristlenose plecs are really good. Ottos are always out moving around and are a perfect community fish. Their max size is <2 inches. Only problem is they're not likely to eat prepared foods. As a result, don't overdo it with them.

Bristlenoses are also good community fish but tend to be more nocturnal. They will eat prepared foods.
Just wanted to add that I have always found my bristlenoses very active and outgoing even during the day. I think it helps that the tank is full of hideyholes, so they feel safe to venture out.
For loaches I'd recommend black khuli loaches, since they're far more active than their stripy brethren.

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