What lighting to use?


New Member
Oct 28, 2003
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I'm setting up a 55 gallon tank with plants of course. ;) As well as my African Cichlids. I'm not rich and the lights off of AH Supply and places like that seem so expenisive. Is there any other way I can get lighting with spending my life savings?
Hi mtdewlover, the thing to remember here is no matter what lighting system you choose, you are aiming at 2-3 watts per gallon for good plant growth (this is a minimum since you want to inject CO2). So around 120-150watts should surfice. I,m assuming your tank is around 4-5 feet long? You could use 3 x 40 watt T8 tubes. (I would have 1 x grolux 3500k, 1 x daylight 5000k, 1 x tropical 10000k.) I don,t know about where you are but for me this would be the cheapest setup I could find. I picked up a 2 tube 4 foot fitting for $45 from my LFS. Its the tubes that cost the money. You can save on the daylight but the growlux and the tropical cost a bit more. Or if you are on a real tight budget use 3 phillips daylights 5000k untill you can afford special plant tubes.

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