What Lettuce Is Good For Fish?


Fish Gatherer
Nov 28, 2006
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I'm just getting ready to start my goldfish fry on a bloodworm/vegi/flake diet and was wondering what type of lettuce fish prefer? I have always fed my fish cucumber and peas but never lettuce. I have thrown some into my koi pond but they never seemed too interested in it. I heard goldies prefer lettuce over other vegies. I have always fed goldfish fresh cabomba in the past, but this year its getting hard to find in the wild.
Radichio! Radichio!

l-o-ll-o rosso, l-o-llo rosso,

friseee, friseee friseee, friseee, friseeee frissse.

Roquette, Roquette.

Thats what they should have! :D
darker the lettuce the better and you need to drop some into a cup of boiled water for a couple seconds to soften it.
i use romain lettuce for all my fish and turtles apparently there is something in iceberge lettuce that can't be processed properly by fish and turtles i don't know how true that is but i stick with romain anyway
My goldfish have never been that keen on lettuce, they seem to prefer broken up algae wafers a lot more ^_^ . But other than that, i would go with what the others have said.
dandelion leaves are meant to be great for goldfish along with any dark lettuce as has been said. dont waste your time with the likes of iceberg as its pretty much just water.

ps make sure you get the dandelion leaves from your garden that hasnt had any weedkiller spread and even then wash them but you should do that with all lettuces before they go into your tank
anything with spirulina in it.

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