What Kit Do You Keep?


Fish Crazy
Oct 12, 2010
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Somerset UK
What kit do you guys and gals keep under your fish tank? At the moment its just general things!
About 20 million 'bits and pieces' I've collected over the years; mostly old internal and bubble filters that are spare now I've got externals on most of my tanks; I keep the sponges in the top tray of them so I have ready cycled media for hospital/quarntine/breeding tanks if I need them.

Then there's air stones and pumps, nets, old lighting starter units, fish bags, lots of safe rocks (also have heap of those in one of the flowerbeds in the garden!), plastic jugs, ice cream and margarine tubs, spare filter floss, carbon, spare plugs and fuses, a load of small spawning tanks my ex gave me when he gave up the hobby, bits of airline, filter hose off-cuts...the list goes on!
2 spare heaters , an internal; filter nets food and dechlorinator . ive also got a drop checker , co2 diffuser and co2 tubing from when i was going to set up a planted tank . i never got around to it as i currently use the spare tank as an isolation tank/fry tank , but i kept them as i still want to do a planted tank at some point
Half a bag of sand, sissors, two buckets, a small cup and lid, a jug, lots of different food, api test kit, timer, a clip with sucker (to hold cucumber etc) a rubbish electric gravel vac, normal gravel vac, different ends for the gravel vac, plastic grass, a fry net, a fry box, a spare pump, various meds and water treatments, spare poly pads, carbon pad, plastic plants, large resin rock, small torch and many more things i cant think of names for :lol:
Sand, buckets, bogwood, cup, pegs, syringe, scissors, pipes, internal filters, media, books

and my pc (the tank stand is 9ft don't worry :D)
3/4 gallon plastic tank...ph test kit, ammonia test kit, nitrite test kit, nitrate test kit, tropical fish food, goldfish food, extra fake plants, bucket, pan, Prime, bacteria additive, aquarium salt, ich medication, pure ammonia, ammonia removal pellets, extra plastic boxes, plastic spoons, water conditioner, extra gravel, and how to care pamplets for different fishes.
Boxes from newest stuff, two 6 way extensions screwed to the inside of the cabinet door for the wiring, bottles of dechlor, test kits, T8 lamp holders, and old internal lighting ballast, a few buckets filled with various decorations from past "aquascaping" i changed my mind on, basic meds, a hatchery/fry net, about 6kg of argos sand to replace what my vac sucks up, a few old tea towels (Largely because ive used them for something fish related and the Mrs wont have them back after!), various food, a bottle of Homebase ammonia....

Probably loads of other stuff i dont know is in there.....

Filter pipe cut offs; about 6 or 7 different sized nets; airline with a knot in it for acclimating; prime; ferts (made up and dry powders); scales, funnel and Di water for mixing ferts; easy carbo; ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, pH and hardness test kits; 4dkh water; syringes; spare heaters; gravel vac; 2 bags of activated carbon. Oh, and the external filter!

Most of the fish stuff (spare substrate, plants, decor, tank/tubs, filter sponges, more heaters, tank dividers, god knows what else!) is in the garage. I can't fit it all in the tank cabinets, not with external filters.

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