what kinda pleco


Sting Ray Crazy
Jun 16, 2004
Reaction score
Edmonton, Canada
So I just was at my LFS and I saw this pleco that was black and had a bunch of gold spots on him. I know I have seen it before, But I have to wait until tomorrwo to see if I can buy him. Does anyone know the name of this pleco and how big does he get. Also would he be ok in my tank (see my sig). Please, some advice.
Sure looks like the snowball one since it didn't have the golden marking on the dorsal. I'm looking for somethign beautiful since I just lost my Medusa Head pleco. From what, I don't know, all my levels are clear and everyone else seems to be happy. Thanks for the info. You guys really seem to go out of your way for us Newbies. :wub:
i need to move lol i want a cool looking pleco but all ive seen is the common's and i go to 3 different fish stores :/ ( i might try petsmart but i havent heard to many good things about them but looking doesnt hurt) well i saw a Royal Pleco but it looks just like the regulars but with a bigger head :lol:
Mr. Bones:

I used to live in Ontario, I stayed away from Petsmart. I like to go to privately owned fish stores, so I can pick order in fish that I like. I live in Alberta now (also lived in Manitoba) and I like this one store here. Also it is nice to give local stores your community support.
well i only have 1 where i live and they carry teh basic livebearers and chiclids so i do most of my fish shopping in London (Big Al's Aquarium Services mostly) they have a good selection .. if i had the tank and the money i'd get the FW stingray thats there right now :wub:
Awh, London.

I was there once. We have a Big AL's here too. They specialize in the same thing. They do have an awesome selection of salt water. When I first set up my tank, I seriosly thought about a stingray, but don't they get REALLY Big? :thumbs:
well the guy i talked to told me he wouldnt get as big as he would in the wild ~i think he said 15-18 inches body diameter~ he was awesome though (the stingray lol)
Man, I really want a frshwater stingray. But I don't want to have to pay like $200 dollars for one, but does anyone know if they eat feeder goldfish?

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