what kinda care to live plants need?


Fish Addict
Oct 7, 2003
Reaction score
England, Luton
what kinda care to live plants need?

like, wgat type of gravel and all thatt stuff?

will it need a light, coz then i can put one in!,

a betta wouldnt mind of there isnt a live plant right?

i have fake plants though, there made of silk so the bettas fins wont tear

thanks bye
What a plant needs depends on the plant: There are ones that get by with little light, like Java Fern, and then ones that need a lot of light. Other plants need a substrate, but some can be left floating free, or tied to decorations such as rocks or roots. For a small Betta bowl/tank, I'd suggest Java Moss, that doesn't require much light, and can be left floating free. For plants in general, some kind of a fertilizer is good. Some plants like a fertilizer in the substrate. I add liquid fertilizer with every partial water change.

Based on personal experience, and what I've learned from books/online, Java Fern and Java Moss are hardy plants, even if slow growing. Green Hygro needs moderate light, and grows fast. Links for aquarium plants:

Heres a another site I use occassionally with good info on the plant and its requirements

Click the picture of the plant for the details...

PLANTS :thumbs:

I just (about 10 days ago) put some root tabs into the substrate of my tank and I now have to trim some of the plants twice a week :crazy:

Vegetation looks lush though, and nitrate levels are more managable :thumbs:
njparton said:
I just (about 10 days ago) put some root tabs into the substrate of my tank and I now have to trim some of the plants twice a week :crazy:

Vegetation looks lush though, and nitrate levels are more managable :thumbs:
That's good to know because I've just ordered some root tabs. The only plants that seem to do well are those on bogwood, such as dwarf anubias and Java fern. My giant vallis is too big for the tank and the trimmed ends get eaten by snails and my Amazon swords are still suffering from their die back that time my lights went while I was on holiday. I've got light, CO2, liquid fertiliser in there and nothing seems to be really helping so maybe this is the missing link.

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