What Kind Of Tetra Should I Get


New Member
Aug 27, 2007
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im thinking of getting tetras but i dont know what kind to get there are so many you choose for me which one :shifty: :hey: 8) B)
me, personally really like the black neons, and glowlights. i have also found a website that carries ember tetras and i hope to get some later on their max size is less than an inch and they are almost all red. very cool! hope that helps!
no not from what i know tetras will usually only school with neons or tetras of their same type, i had black neons and glowlights in the same tank and they did not school together
I have black phantom tetras and black widow/skirt tetras and they are great fish, but have to be in groups of 6 or more as hey are schooling fish. They are slightly more unusual than some of the more common tetras IMO, they love their food and playing in the tank. They have real nice characters, the black widow tetras nearly jump out of the water for their food and i can stroke them! Its your choice, just giving you a choice of slightley ifferent ones! GRJ :good:
Silver Tipped are awesome, they should be called Orange Tetras really as the silver is only on the tips of their fins and the rest of them is Orange and some black on the back fin. They were my first ever fish and I still have 3/4 (out of 6) after 2 years and my tank isn't even that great. They are very peaceful (when their not zooming around chasing each other) and you have to be careful since once I was feeding them and one jumped to high, luckily I saw it fly out of the tank and managed to pick it up in time.

I wouldn't reccomend Cardinals as mine all died from whitespot as soon as I got them.
I was going to ask you for a pic when you get your new Tetras, but they never stop moving, it would be hard to get a pic :). I would recommend getting 5 or 6.

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