What kind of test kit is everyone using?


Fish Fanatic
Mar 24, 2004
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I bought a couple of Aquarium Pharmaceutical liquid drop kits. One for Ammonia and one for Nitrites. I screwed up and bought the freshwater/saltwater ammonia kit though. So I have to add 8 drops of 2 different solutions instead of just 1 solution in the freshwater only kit. Makes it kind of a pain. I also have trouble getting the right amount of water in the test tubes. They are so much longer than needed that you can't just tap the side to splash a little out like the test kits for our swimming pool. I went shopping for a nitrate kit today, and saw one (I think it was by Tetra) that had 2 or 3 different solutions and powder as well. Do you have to mix all of this stuff each time you test? If so, ouch!! Perhaps I am being picky, but I believe the easier it is to use, the easier it is to read accurately, the more likely a person is to use it on a regular basis. And when you are testing every day when cycling a tank, you come to appreciate such trivial things as ease of use. So what is everyone else using? Why do you prefer what you do? And what have you used in the past that you didn't like?
I use interpet ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and broad ph kit. Its tablet form.

Only complaint I got is it gives the results in mg per litre while everyone else seems to be talking in parts per million.
I screwed up and bought the freshwater/saltwater ammonia kit though.
Funny, I went to replace my ammonia test few months ago, accidently got the FW only one :X . I much prefer looking for shades of green as opposed to...white, ecru, beige... :rolleyes: :S
My first tests were Tetra liquid, still have O2 in Tetra, but I really find AP's glass vials easier to rinse.
I have the Aquarium Pharmaceutical liquid drop kits also. I didn't know they made any for just freshwater!

I also have trouble getting the right amount of water in the test tubes

What I do, is take a one cup measuring cup with a spout, dip it into the tank to get a small amount of tank water in it, then slowly trickle it into the vial 'til the water level reaches the mark. It takes a little practice!
Good suggestion Heresmike. I had also considered getting a syringe big enough to hold the 5ml needed for my tests. This would perhaps be more accurate than just filling the test tube to the line.
I use Mardel 5 in 1 dipsticks and Mardel amonia dipsticks.

Much easier and less messy than the chemical drop stuff.
i also use the Aquarium Pharmaceutical liquid test kits...its the main brand my pet stores have, works good.
I use the Hagen test kits for everything. I find the colours the easiest to read of them all...

To make sure I add the correct amount of tank water, I use the pipette which came with the test kit....easy....that way you aren't dipping the tube in and out of the tank which my have residual test chemicals on them!

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