What Kind Of Shrimp?


Fish Crazy
Jul 3, 2006
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At my local fish shop they sell shrimp for the fish to eat. Does anyone know what type they are and can i keep them in my tank.

At my local fish shop they sell shrimp for the fish to eat. Does anyone know what type they are and can i keep them in my tank.


they are probably ghost shrimp, and some members keep them quite happily in their tanks. Though of course it does depend on what you have in your tank.
Could i keep some in my tank with neons guppies and an african dwarf frog. Its 70p for 20 which is like $1.50 or something like that. Its 10 gallons how many could i get.

Depending on how many fish you've got I'd say that you should be ok for 4 or 5, remember that they are opportunist hunters and as such will eat any fry they can get their claws on (just to warn you, if you are going to try breed any or your fish).

Make sure the shrimps that are in your lfs are not in brackish water, if they are you might try putting them in via the drip method, of try another lfs that keep theirs in fresh water.

70p for 20 is cheaper than I get them (though I'm afraid mine are for food, though they sometimes live a while).
I will get 5 then, they are in freshwater, soon i will have just 9 neons and 1 adf. (and 5 shrimp),
thanks moray you have cleared that up!

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