What kind of Puffer


Oct 9, 2003
Reaction score
High Wycombe, Bucks (England)
I have decided (with help from other member, thanks!) that I would like to keep puffers in my 'soon to be' vacant tank.

Anyone have any suggestions as to which type I should get??

thanks :blink:
well, if it's around 3' tall then that should meen it's around 4-5 or more in length. i would say if you got a green spotted puffer you cuold go with 2 and mabey 4 bumblebee gobies. or you could get around 6-7 duarf puffers. i'm preety new to puffers so i am still learning, mabey some one else can help you out! sorry. :-(
south american puffers would work (how many gallons is a three foot tank???), you could have a good number of dwarfs i suppose. or you could go brackish and have a few figure 8's.
so its about a 30-40 gallons i soppose. -_- i say get one greenspotted puffer, they are better pets then the smaller species of the puffer family, and get 3 bumblebee gobies. you could even add mabey 2 figure 8's in there to make a well puffer tank! mabey someone with more experience could be of more help, sorry agian. :-(
30 gal approx. lithril has south americans in a 30 i believe with some otos. not sure how many though. i should think 4 would be okay (they get about 2 inches, but the one inch for one gal doesn't really apply as these fish need more space than most), but i'm sure lithril or pufferpack will be along soon to confirm. you could go with a single green spotted, though i personally prefer to see the interaction. if you go brackish and get figure 8's, i think you could only have a few.
HI LOSI, I've got a tank almost exactly the same size as yours with 4 Colomesus Puffers (South American), 4 Otoinclus and 2 Bristlenose plecos and they all get on really well. Admittedly there are loads of hiding places and lots of vegetation in there.

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