what kind of puffer


Jun 29, 2005
Reaction score
Las Vegas, NV - USA
I am thinking about getting a puffer or a few, whatever is best dependgin on the type of puffer.

i have a 60 gallon with a few gouramis, an angel, and some bottom dwellers. I was thinking about a dwarf but they are really meani heard, and theni saw the figure 8, which i know i can buy, but i wanted to see what everyone else thought, because some people say the south american or western, i dont remember, is even better, but i havent seen one aorund town, so please tell me what you know!
Firstly Figure 8 puffers are brackish. Secondly i dont think you are ready to try keeping a puffer. For some one that works in a fish store, you dont have very much fish knowledge.

Im sorry if this sounds harsh but sometimes its the only way to get point some times

EDIT: In responce to reply below: The above reply was not meant as a slating, the point im trying to put across is if theres a fish you like, RESEARCH it aswell as asking questions, theres thousands of fish site giving information. Or go to a libary get some books (so they aint cool places but think how much information they hold)
But try to listen to the arguement against your plans. People aint saying things just to be miserable (except me obviously) we are trying to help to best of our abilitys. End of the day its up to you what you put in any tank of yours the information i give is purely what ive learnt, read, been told or My own opinion sorry if this offends but i say what i see and say it straight....
Puffers wouldn't be the best choice for a new fish in your tank, IMO. The angel's fins would almost definitely be nipped at.

It *is* possible if you get lucky and manage to acquire a particularly tame and peaceful puffer, but i wouldn't risk it if i were you. I'd just get another 10g tank and start a species set up for 3 dwarf puffers :)


ps: excuse me dan, but i'm sure that at some point in your life you didn't know much either. same goes with me. but we learn, and we learn by asking. seems like a bit of a needless sentence to add, your second one.
Personally I agree with Dan, these forums are filled with information on Puffers, specifically that they should not be kept in community tanks. I'm sure that won't stop Animal creating several threads, asking the same question several times though.
Phantom Thief said:
It *is* possible if you get lucky and manage to acquire a particularly tame and peaceful puffer, but i wouldn't risk it if i were you. I'd just get another 10g tank and start a species set up for 3 dwarf puffers :)


A 10G will hold 2 dwarf puffers, not 3. 5G per dwarf puffer, and even that often doesn't work out. I'd not recommend anyone try and keep more than that.

In your tank, I don't think you should get any puffers at all. Puffers are known killers (all of them), and I doubt that you want to see all your current fish go because you can have a puffer then.

South American Puffers are most peacefull, or rather, least aggressive of them all. This however, does not mean you can safely keep them in a community tank. I tried this, and I know my fish (tetras and corydoras) definatly did get nipped badly. Not to mention the food aggression. With fish that have long flowing 'feelers' like gouramis and angels, puffers are Definatly out of the question.


If with bottomdwellers you mean corydoras, SAP seem to put some extra effort into getting to them ... actually proper chase them rather that just a nip when in the way (which still is often). If meant plecs ... never seen them bother mine.
I just want to add my agreement to the replies already made. Puffers are a definite no-no in your community tank. Those angels and gouramis will be fin-nipped by the tiniest puffers and quite likely killed by anything bigger than dwarfs or south americans. And even if you think that a bit of fin-nipping isn't that bad, imagine the stress on those fish. It's not worth the risk.

If you really want to get involved with puffers, invest in a 10+ gallon tank and start with a couple of dwarfs. It's not that expensive and will save you (and more importantly, your community fish) a lot of trouble. And just to clarify, I also agree that two dwarfs is a maximum in a ten gallon setup.
i wont be getting any puffers then. Thanks for all your help. also, because everyone said no and gave good reasons, of ocurse i wont risk hurting my fish, so no i wont be getting any puffers.

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