What Kind Of Powerhead For 15G


stuck between a rock and a fish tank
Fish of the Month 🌟
May 4, 2004
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I;m setting up a 24x12x14 for 2 clownfish with LR

What kind of power heads would I need for the tank and how many? I;ve never used powerheads before in any of my freshwater set ups so am a novice with them

cheers simon
Any chance you could get a slightly bigger tank - its not recommended to keep a pair of clowns in anything smaller than 20 gallons.

Have a look a koralias - you will need approx 20 x turnover

Seffie x

ps nice to see you over on the salty side - will you start a journel?
Any chance you could get a slightly bigger tank - its not recommended to keep a pair of clowns in anything smaller than 20 gallons.

Have a look a koralias - you will need approx 20 x turnover

Seffie x

ps nice to see you over on the salty side - will you start a journel?

I can;t get a different one for now Seffie. I sold 7 tanks last summer mostly 30g to 55g

There will bee more tanks when I move house but thats when we sell ours

Is the the recomended 20g minimum due to size of clowns or because its too small a spacxe of water in marine to keep levels level?

oh andcheers its been my aim to do marine for a while now and willl do it properly when space and funds permit lol
I am a bit of a noob with saltwater, but my brother has a 35 gallon tank. A powerhead, you could get 2 smallish ones and place them on either side of the tank so they intersect in the middle, it creates a nice and natural effect. Im sure 16 gallons is fine mate, as longs as its just a pair of clowns with their anemone etc

Ps: Nice job on deciding to get a small tank with just the clowns. My brother suggested the same thing to me and i almost did it, but then i realised the prices.... They look awesome though.

Good luck
The old saying is: clowns rarely travel further than 20 cm away from their host, this usually equates to a tank of about 20 gallons - but I see from your other post that you will be upgrading when you move, so should be fine :good: just ensure you keep up with the 25% water changes weekly

Seffie x
The old saying is: clowns rarely travel further than 20 cm away from their host

In my experience this is rubbish. My dominant clown will admittedly spend 90% of its time within about a foot of its torch coral. However there are times when it likes to swim around and is often seen swimming around the front of the tank. The smaller clown is even more active around the tank.

The only time I have every kept clowns which didn't move very far from what they where hosting was when I had a nano tank and they didnt have much swimming room. IME if you give them the room to swim they will certainly use it which is why I would never keep clowns in a smaller tank again. Aggression between unmated pairs also seems to be much higher in smaller tanks.

In this case though as long as an upgrade is 100% certain you should be ok.

Regarding one of the above replies about the Nem. No Nem should ever be kept in tank of this size.

lol edit: back to the original topic (sorry :) ). Agree koralias are great. Maybe a couple of nanos or a koralia 1 and a nano depending on dimensions of the tank.
Well, Barney you should know by now that I dont agree with the 20 cm rule nor do i agree with the 20 gallon rule. If it were up to me clowns wouldnt be kept in anything less than a 125 litres. But iv'e just given up arguing the point! Maybe I shouldn't :good:

Seffie x
Yeah, it is difficult. Everywhere out there suggests that a 15-20g tank is fine for a pair of percs and if you look at them in the LFS you can easily believe that is ok. I did keep a pair of clowns in a small tank and they very rarely moved much at all, from the advice I had been given at the time I was lead to believe this was "normal". It wasn't until I moved them to bigger tanks that I saw the complete difference of behaviour that I realised that a clown sitting in 1 spot all day is not normal.

I cant say if this is the same for other species of clowns but they are all bigger and need bigger tanks anyway so it doesn't matter.
I would agree with you Barney - when I put my pair in to the five footer they swam about all over the place and even now with the three nems they still swim over to the other Bommie for a nose around, particularly if my hands are in the water <jaws music :lol:>

Seffie x
cheers for all the replies

certainly very useful and I think it was Nemo (apt name) who commented on another thread how this would divide opinion

I wouldn;t add a Nem and I have read that clowns are fine without them anyway. It will just be live rock and the 2 clowns and the water changes will be sorted easily enough with water from my LFS

Should things work out ok I can upgrade not too far down the horizon as the mrs will get swayed by the "little nemos"

I shall price up the powerheads at the weekend and go about selling my snakeheads and their young first
Ive found fleabay to be the cheapest place to source koralias, they can be very expensive in lfs :good: there is also a cheap replica of the koralia which some people are reporting as good, the sunsuns, you might like to have a look at those too.

I bet 'her indoors' will not be able to resist a bigger tank for her darling Mr & Mrs Clown - get two small juvies and watch the biggest one turn in to the dominant female, fasinating. Also great to watch them host

Seffie x
Ive found fleabay to be the cheapest place to source koralias, they can be very expensive in lfs :good: there is also a cheap replica of the koralia which some people are reporting as good, the sunsuns, you might like to have a look at those too.

I bet 'her indoors' will not be able to resist a bigger tank for her darling Mr & Mrs Clown - get two small juvies and watch the biggest one turn in to the dominant female, fasinating. Also great to watch them host

Seffie x

lol fingers crossed

a 900 litre per hour koralia would do the job wouldn;t it Seffie?
Well, you need at least 10 x flow, so that would be approx: 690 litres

but more is better

I would say 20 x if you plan to have any sort of coral and you will, believe me :p so approx 1380 litres.

A Koralia 1 would give you just over 1800 litres


I have bought from Amwells in the past - good shop :good: Oh just thought, are you in the uk :lol:?

Seffie x
Well, you need at least 10 x flow, so that would be approx: 690 litres

but more is better

I would say 20 x if you plan to have any sort of coral and you will, believe me :p so approx 1380 litres.

A Koralia 1 would give you just over 1800 litres


I have bought from Amwells in the past - good shop :good: Oh just thought, are you in the uk :lol:?

Seffie x

last question for now I promise

someone just offered me a sun sun 500 lph would that be too powerful? if not I;ll get the one you suggested, just this one is down the road and 7 quid cheaper

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