What kind of pleco could this be?


Fish Addict
May 11, 2004
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new jersey
I just wanyted to share that i got my first pleco today from petco it is a L-135 candystripe pleco and it cost me 6 bucks. its about 1.5 inches long now. i will post pics after it acclimates any tips about keeping these cool looking plecs?




but here is where i made my identification and i think the picture n this page exactly matches the fish i have could it be a different type of candy stripe? i did notice the differences at planet catfish but compare this picture on the liveaquaria website to my pictures: Candy Stripe Pleco

edit: i just looked at the live aquaria site again and my pleco could also be a L-134, so it could now be a gold banded pleco(L-134), candy stripe(L135), or clown pleco. :blink:
i feel that my pleco is not a clown as it has a jaguar-ish pattern on its underside as you can see in the picture and the clown pleco does not.

also i just read on planet catfish that the candy stripe pleco is often confused with the clown pleco.
more info my pleco is in my opinion a gold stirpe pleco http://www.planetcatfish.com/core/index.php the pictures match.

it feel that it is not a clown and it may be either a candy stripe or a goldstriped pleco.
sorry but i dont think it is a candy stripe, I deffinatly agree that it is a Clown plec, I used to have one identical to yours.

yes it LOOKS like clown but here is the only evidence proving that wrong this infor is taken from here: http://badmanstropicalfish.com/profiles/profile80.html
it clearly states that the belly of a clown pleco is purely white: Coloration:
The color varies, depending on the species, age , and the area in which it was found. Generally the base color of the body is light brown to black, but can vary in shade to almost white. The belly area is white. The most noticeable coloration of the fish are its stripes which consist of 5-12 orange to white stripes. Sometimes these stripes are so broad that they appear to merge with the main body color and the fish seems to have black stripes. The fins are also striped like the main body

the belly of my pleco has a yellow, black, brown jaguar pattern.
slamster17 said:
problem solved it is a clown pleco the kind people from pleco fanatics forum helped me out.
the kind people from Tropical Fish forum helped you out too.

Read the thread! :angry:

Oh and there is NO WAY it could have possible been an L134.
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