What Kind Of Plec For Me


Fish Herder
Dec 23, 2005
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once i set up my 55 gal,ill be ridding of my 2bristlenose and my clown plec.what kind of plec should i get?i would like one thats colorful though.ideas?
I just got an L134 Leopard Frog Plec on the advice of dwarfqourami and it is a very nice plec, lovely colour. Seems to be quite active too.
ill look into the leopard frog for sure.whats a greenspotted plec?do u mean greenphantom?
i found a few im digging.http://www.somethingsphishy.com/index.php?cPath=28
flash,sultan,lepardfrog,maybe the butterfly pleco(looks like a zebra)
how are these
I think he does mean L200 Green Phantom. Absolutely gorgeous plecs. Very active and very colourful. Worth shoppping around to get a good specimen and worth the high(ish) price tag IMO.
well ill be gatting a leopard frog plec and a sultan plec for $58 with shipping
I am really pleased with my leopard frog, hope you will be too. I like both the sultan and the butterfly.

I think I will get a butterfly next.
the person i bought em off gets all plecs from brazil and its very cheap.free shipping in the US

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