What kind of loach?


Mar 21, 2005
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Ontario, Canada
Hello everyone,

I am interested in getting some loaches for my tanks but I'm not sure what would be the best. I can not get anything that gets to large, I have a 35 and a 45 gallon tank. The 35 gallon tank has only barbs in it right now, but more room for a couple more fish. I was considering getting a yoyo loach's. Maybe 2 for my 35 gallon?

Is this tank big enough for them? I have also read you are supose to keep them in groups, is 2 enough?

What other types can you suggest?

Thanks everyone
:thumbs: i like khuli loaches the best but i dont keep loaches so i dont know whatthey need sorry
I've had a shoal of Yo-yos for a couple of years now. They're typically interesting, active little fish. I do have a shy one that hides when the lights are on, but the rest of the shoal are about pretty much all the time. I enjoy them a great deal. They'd do fine with barbs from the temperament standpoint, but I wouldn't recommend less than four of any of the community-tank-friendly loaches. And five or six would be even better.

Yo-yos or Kuhlis would be good fits for your size tank if you have room for them in your bioload. Clowns get way too large down the road. Dojo loaches would also be good; they are full of personality, but not everyone likes them because they aren't very pretty fish. Remember that Kuhlis tend to be very shy (although there are exceptions) and hide a lot. Yo-yos would probably be much more visible. Yo-yos and Kuhlis are both fairly sensitive fish when it comes to water quality (much moreso than barbs), so you must be diligent in your maintenance routine to keep them healthy. Dojos are generally very hardy (but that's not to say you should take less care of them).

If you choose any of the loaches, don't plan on keeping any snails. They don't make good loach play buddies, but they do make good loach snacks. :p

If you don't have room in your bioload for a shoal of loaches, I'd recommend something like a shoal of dwarf corys instead. They'll still eat food from the bottom, but have a smaller bioload.

Hope that helps.

I quite like tiger and Pakistani loaches they both have great characters and don't grow to big. ;)
Thanks for the advice guys.

Years ago when my brother in law moved he was getting rid of his fish. He never looked after them and didn't know what a water change was. Anyhow, I took a yoyo loach off him and placed him into my hospital tank and I never got a chance to move him into my main tank as he died a short time after (I'm guesing from the shock). Anyhow, I loved that fish so I figured now that I have some room I will pick up a few.

I plan to keep 3-4 of these guys in a 35 gallon, the tank has a lot of fish in it, but has been running like this for abour 2 years and I have not lose one fish or had any diesease...ever. Please let me know if you think I have room for 4 of these loaches, I may be pushing it. not to sure.

35 Gallon
6 Golden Barbs
6 Cherry Barbs (small)
2 Tiger barbs

The tank is and always has been healthy. It is running 2 filters whch are both rated for over 40 gallon tanks, and I am also using an undergravel filter. There are some nice rocks, plants, and pots for hiding places, along with lots of swimming room. Will I be pushing my limit with 3-4 loaches?

Thanks for all your advice so far it is greatly apprciated!

Thanks guys,

EDIT: I also do 2 water changes weekly of about 10-20%.
Do the Tiger Barbs get on alright in there? It is unusual for 2 to get along, one will normally kill the other. Almost invariably you need 6 or more to distribute the natural aggression so that the weakest doesn't cop all the bullying.
Lateral Line,

Thanks for your concern but they never bother any other fish, and hardley bother each other, just swim around together. They are a tad on the fat side as they are pigs during feeding time. Ive been told a 100 times to keep a minimum of 6, but never had any problems myself. They spend there day either chasing each other (no no nipping) or searching for food. And at night they sleep in a clay pot together. Maybe I just have an odd par, but they have been together for nearly 2 years with no problems.

Anyhow, waht do you think about how stocked I am? Do i have room for some loaches or no?
An Ideal loach for your tank would be The Pygmy Chain Loach (Botia Sidthimunki) Quite rare these days but a beautiful little fish, especially when in groups of 4 or more, they love the company of there own kind. I have six, they can be quite expensive to buy but a welcome addition to almost any tank.


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