What kind of fry is this?


New Member
Apr 10, 2024
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My guppy gave birth about a week and a half ago (possibly another one gave birth after that). All the frys look similar in size and colour, apart from the ones from the more recent birth, which are a bit smaller. There is however 1 fry that is black and much chunkier than the rest and I really wonder why it looks so different? At the time the frys were born I had a bunch of guppies and 1 male balloon molly. Is it possible this fry is a hybrid? And if so, how come just 1 looks like this and the rest are long and slim?

^video of said fry
Technically the answer is yes they can... sort of. While they can cross breed the offspring will be infertile and unable to reproduce another generation. Think of the cross breed between a horse and a donkey resulting in a mule. A mule is an awesome critter but totally infertile which would be the same with a cross breed between a guppy and a molly.

One alone would be weird though, unless he was a sole survivor.

The answer to mystery fry is always the same though - be patient, and see. You'll know in a few months...
In my scud culture, I got about a dozen plain grey feeder guppies, that came in with the scuds… as some of the little ones started getting bigger. I noticed a red one… too small to identify, and since I have no idea what was in the culture tank… I’ll have to wait and see… it’s red enough, I should be able to avoid it, when netting out of the tank… if I was going to guess, I’m betting mine is a platy of some kind

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