what kind of food


New Member
Mar 21, 2004
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:whistle: hey is there any way to tell how old fish food is that on the shelf. and what kind of food do u all use i just got tetra min pro.
You should try giving a varied diet, hopefully to inlude some veg and live food (live, frozen, gelled or freeze dried is good). It would get pretty boring to eat the same thing day after day, wouldn't it? ;)

Some fish need particular food, eg catfish pellets for cories and plec tablets for veggie plecs.
Not sure if fish food has an expiration date, I would judge it's age by the layer of dust on the top :lol:

I don't use flakes, I feed mostly frozen foods with the occasional pellet breakfast, as for pellets...I prefer ProBalance or Hikari but the fish in my big tank prefer Tetra's Color Bits :X :rolleyes: . You can buy all the fancy high vitamin content fish foods in the world, but ya can't make them eat it :dunno:
ya u havent got frozen food yet but i want to. i just got tetra min pro and some pellets for my catfish. tropical tablets the rich mix by tetra min. i got neons tetras and upside down catfish what frozen food would u get.
Blood worms always go down well in my tank and to a lesser tank Daphina. I have never seen my USDs eating live food, as far as I am aware they are vegetarians. I often see them eat plec tablets and agae wafers.
hey how often do u feed your on the bottle it says 2 times a day ive read u should only do it once a day and skip one day a week.
hey how often do u feed your fish on the bottle it says 2 times a day ive read u should only do it once a day and skip one day a week to let there system get rid of some food left in there tummys.
I only feed once every other day but that is less than most. This is because I had a problem with algae and this fixed it. My tank is clean and my fish are always busy finding food.
to get rid of algue get something to remove phosfates. i use phosx and no alge.
maaudiosubs said:
to get rid of algue get something to remove phosfates. i use phosx and no alge.
I'd cut back on feeding... or add an algae eater... before I added chemicals.

Ammonia and Water Conditioner are the only chemicals you need to keep a healthy fish tank.
phos-x comes in a bag u stick in your power filter. it is not a liquide. it works great and it completly safe. it just gets rid of phosates. u need 3 things for alge phosphates-light-and a place to grow wich is your tank. u cut out the phosphates then u can feed more leave the light on more. i leave my light on most of the day so i can enjoy watching the fish. thats what my lfs uses and they keep there lights on all day and no alge. why cuz no phosphates there to help it grow. it looks like the carbon u use in your filter but its orangeish brown.
modernhamlet said:
Ammonia and Water Conditioner are the only chemicals you need to keep a healthy fish tank.
You shouldn't need anything for the ammonia if your tank is properly cycled!!!

Your milage may vary. I'm just pointing out alternatives.

Another good option is to plant heavily. Plants will generally outcompete algae if given adequate light. More natural. Same result.

including frozen food, vegetables and homemade food.

hey is there any way to tell how old fish food is that on the shelf

If there isn't any "best before" date, don't buy them. Or if seller keep them in warm place (e.g. sunlight etc...), don't buy them. Unfortunately sellers keep them on shelves (in warm) and it, of course, affects on food too. I usually buy only small cans because when you open it, air fills up the container and vitamins start to destroy. And when you have opened the can, keep it in cool place: at least in your refrigerator or freezer.

If you buy larger cans, bag it in several plastic bags. Into bags that are easily opened and closed - ome plastic bags contain shutter. Squeeze air out and closed bag very good. Put those bags to freezer and when you need food, take one bag and keep it in your refrigerator... Then those vitamins last longer.

If you keep food container in warm place (e.g. on light cover), it will be only "offer" filling for hungry mouths but not any vitamins that fishes need - because they have already destroyed...

And remember too, that some fishes are carnivores, some are herbivores and some are omnivores. Feeding wrong causes so called "dropsy disease".
I've just looked at all my various tubs, jars & packets of foods, and every one of them has an expiration date (and batch number) on it.. mostly about a year after purchase on the flakes and less on wafers & tablets.

Live food lasts about a week in the fridge and frozen lasts about 3 months in a four star freezer or one month in the freezer box in a fridge.

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