What kind of fish?


Fish Gatherer
Mar 31, 2004
Reaction score
Richmond, Virginia
:D :D :D :D :D Goin thru my fishless cycle about 6 days in, now trying to figure out who my occupants will be.

I know I want small fish. Tetras, danios, and barbs.

I want neons, but that is down the line when tank has been running for a while.

What else is there? What do you guys suggest. I also, need bottom dwellers!

I have 75 gallon , just really excited, I want an interesting community tank.

I also love rams, will they be able to live with other fish?
I know i've said this before but I just love em....

Go for Cories!!!! I have Julii (Trilineaus) cories and they are so funny.....unfortunately they are a little more pricy and harder to come by than other cories here in Sydney, but are very small! (My largest Julii) wouldn't be more than an inch long.

Other 1~2 inchers include the panda cory and bronze and albino ones.

but you may want to wait a while before putting the bottomdwellers in
I like cories for the bottom as well they are very entertaining. I like the panda cories. Small shoaling fish that is excellent in groups of 8+ is the harlequin rasbora. they are pretty hardy and keep to themselves and shoal very tightly. :)
I put cories into 2 of my tanks right after cycling and had no problem. I have pandas and hmmm... I think they're commonly called peppered cories.
Rams are generally peaceful and should be fine with the others. But I don't think they'd be suitable for a new tank; you'd probably be best leaving them till later.

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