What Kind Of Fish?


New Member
Jan 29, 2007
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Hi, I am a newbie! I bought these two fish yesterday from PETCO, but the manager didnt even know what they were called, let alone how much, so he gave them to me for two dollars, they seem very aggressive, and were in the community fish tanks, can someone help me identify them?

Good work pica nuttalli....definitely Phenacogrammus interruptus, the Congo Tetra. Two dollars is a great price for those fish.

Wow! You got congo tetras for $2 each? Excellent price... sometimes it's good for the seller to be ignorant. Their colours will become more amazing with age. Beautiful fish.
I don't know where you are but probably not far away from me as term of the Country since you mentioned the PETCO. There are some of them around my neck of woods. Although I don't think they carry Congo tetras often if at all. And $2 for them is a STEAL! Around here cost $8~10 when I see them in other store.
So you got a great deal but now you have to find more that they are known to do better with bigger group(6 or so). And I'm sure that would help to reduce the aggression. It would spread around instead of stronger picking weaker when you have only 2.
Now you might have to get bigger tank also to accommodate the school of the fish. They are quite big for the often kept Tetra. And I know they are one of the Tetra from Africa instead of usual S.America. And I think they might have little different water parameter preference if my memory is correct
Anyway, they are nice shinny big tetra. You got a good deal, that's for sure.

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