What kind of fish should I add to my tank?


New Member
Apr 12, 2004
Reaction score
Moncton, Canada
I have a 50Gal. Tank with
5 tiger barbs
2 Golden Gourami
1 Bala Shark
1 Clown Loach
1 common placo

I was thinking of getting more clown loach, tiger barbs
Also considering, 3 Pearl gourami, 2 Blue Gouramis, 1 red tailed shark or 1 Rainbow shark, 6 Zebra Danios, 6 rosey barbs. Which of these would you get and why?
Any other fish you would suggest?
How about you get a much bigger tank for the fish you already have, before you start thinking of new ones?

The clown loaches should have a 5 foot tank, the bala shark a 9 foot one. The common plec really needs at least 75 gal. Basically, you can only keep the gouramis and the tiger barbs in a 50 gal, the others you have will grow too big for it.

Of the ones on your list, I would chose the rainbow shark and the zebra danios. I'd keep the tiger barbs that are already there and get a few more. I'd give the bala shark, plec and the clown loach away.
Heh, I was just about to edit my previous post to suggest a school of cories, but wasn't quick enough. ;) May as well get 5 or more while you're at it (depending on how many other fish you want); the bigger the school the happier the cories will be.
add some clown loaches 3 will fit in a 50 gallon as well as 1 will mabey you could get rid of that one and get a smaller loach.


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