What kind of fish is this :P


Fish Fanatic
Aug 18, 2004
Reaction score
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
i'm a newbie and i'm wondering what type of catfish i have...and any other information would be nice too...i have a 5 gallon tank (couple weeks old) with Zebra danios and male guppies.

Kelso said:
I do know that it is albino...but that was all i know...wans't sure if it was a cory/pleco or whatever else there is...
100% not a pleco, as it looks nothing like one, but i would 99% say its a cory.

They like to be in schools, mine dont leave each other alone theyre always together.
Yup, definitely an albino cory :nod: I've got one and she's great (pic in my sig actually!). I've got a bunch of different cories and they're ALL fun :kana: I'd get 2 more cories b/c they are schooling fish. A 5g would be too small for more than that.
Thanks for the info...I went out and bought another one...this one seems quite a bit bigger...but i think my tank is overpopulated now...3 zebra danios, 3 male guppies and then 2 albino corys...but everyone seems alright their swimming normal, chasing eachother and whatever
omg its kelso can i be fez and u live in calgary too looks like a albino something

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